Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Rising to the Call with Sound Political Leadership Research Paper
Rising to the Call with Sound Political Leadership - Research Paper Example Through wise decisions, meaningful and sincere rhetoric, and the ability to assert his authority as needed, President Abraham Lincoln was an example of a true leader within the American political landscape. Leadership in the political arena requires a certain amount of detachment from sentimentality so that decision making can be done without the burdens of emotions that will cause too long of hesitation in action. This doesn’t mean that emotions are not present, but that they can be controlled in order to act within a larger framework of the greater good. Vivian Holliday, professor of history from the College of Wooster, discusses the nature of leadership as it is presented through both Machiavelli and Socratic/Platonic principles. She states that: Machiavelli is the principal founder of a ‘realist’ theory of leadership that portrays politics as a pure struggle for power in which all moral considerations are set aside, and that focuses the theory and practice of leadership on success as measured solely in terms of the acquisition and maintenance of power and the protection and promotion of the interests of the nation-state or some other political collectivity†(Holliday 51). ... Holliday also includes in her discussion the more idealistic Socratic/Platonic concept of political leadership suggesting that it should be tempered with the Machiavellian concepts. Through this interpretation of political leadership, the leader is integrally connected to followers and to morals, his or her platform, and idealism defining a virtue with which he or she leads. Holliday states that â€Å"The rhetorical strategy of this image of the ideal philosopher-leader is again most visible when we consider critically the image of new leadership that is vested with Socratic/Platonic knowledge and virtue and that leads through dialogue and education†(63). This also suggests that beyond the connectivity to followers and morals, a good leader uses communication and academically founded intelligent consideration in leading his people through whatever conflict that arises.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Modernity and Modernism in Literature
Modernity and Modernism in Literature 1.2. Modernity and Modernism The first seeds to modernist literature were implanted with the emergence of modernity. Modernity is a post traditional or post-medieval historical period that characterized a radical shift away from traditions. It is the epoch marking the rise of the age of reason which began with the Enlightenment (About 1687 to 1789). Scientists such as Immanuel Kant, Renà © Descartes and most importantly Isaac Newton believed that through science the world could be saved and that through reason they can establish a foundation of universal truth. Modernity was also brought to light by political leaders such as Niccolà ² Machiavelli who believed that peace could be established with reason resulting major movements such as Capitalism, Industrialism and Urbanization. Post Modernity as a theory evolved around criticizing modernity and what modernity stands for, it criticizes industrialization and the effects that last one had on the peasants in the fields and the workers in factories, and the power capitalists had over the people.(Barret 17-18). In other words, postmodern refers to a time of interfused styles, mixed cultural layers, oddly merging traditions and multi-cultural pluralism. (Bradbury WII) Modernism as described by Barth is a term that describes the modernist movement; it was a revolt against the conservative values of realism. Modernism is often understood through the work of authors who were productive after the turn of the twentieth century. Writers such as T.S Eliot, Ezra Pounds and James Joyce allowed it to be historically and politically understood in their literary works. (Childs 5) 1.2.1 Modernist literature Modern literature is a literature that flourished in the new capitalist art market during a period of time where writers were no longer pointed when it comes to what they write neither by the church nor by monarchies. They also no longer had to answer to the old system of artistic patronage; to the contrary, they signified their allegiance to all what is new. (Hutchens-Suggs 20). The First World War showed artists how ridiculous life could be, Life was not fair to Europeans and continued to be with the Second World War taking the lives of over 50 million person and damaging the understructure of Europe unsling it from what was generally referred to as the Belle Époque . Later on and when the flames of war finally came to end, this period was seen as a period of calm before the storm. (Ara Mergian CNN.com- November 9, 2014 The modernist artistic movement is an intellectual movement that broke aesthetic and social boundaries. It appeared in the early 20th century and aimed to uncover invisible systems and unconscious codes or rules by explaining various phenomena using attractive and coherent style in writing, painting, sculpture and all artistic and creative performances (Barret 22). Modernists referred to themselves as avant-garde, they were rebellious against restrictions, had a futuristic vision and no limitation when challenging social values. 1.2.2 Modernist Aesthetics and Criticism To some, Modernist art is old and even finished, but that isnt completely true since it was once very progressive, bringing a new art for a new age under of the cape of a social and economical revolution that swept over the, new back then, urban and industrial Europe(Barret P 20). One of the most important specifications of modernism was that it abolished the idea of beauty as the ideal of art (Atkins 56). Malcom Brudbury said One of the defining features of modernism has been the breaking down of traditional frontier of matters of literary and cultural concern ( p114). Artists dropped subject matters as essentials and writers changed their presented works as rapidly as the intellectual life was changing. Poets likewise sought to account for the rapid changes. Due to its difficulties, modernist poetry is hard to enjoy having a wider and less comprehensive sense (Marry Warner 1 2) Artists eliminated the need to have an artwork be different from ordinary objects; they made an unofficial statement that beauty has no established scale to be acknowledged. Douglas Crimp (1990) argued that the demise was brought about by the invention of photography which allowed the reproduction of images mechanically including art images stripping away from the artwork its uniqueness. Other critics see that aestitic revolutions of modernism are formed by the expansion of the comprehensive system of globalized world open to outer cultures and regions (Child 31). 1.3 JAMES JOYCE (1882 1941) James Joyce was, and still is, a major figure of modernism. The famous writer was born on the 2nd of February 1882 at 41 Brington Square West in Rathgar and was named James Augustin Joyce after his great grandfather and grandfather (Noris 59). James was born to a Catholic family but he had always been a rebellion, he rebelled against his father who encouraged him into becoming a priest and choose, or might have been destined to, become a literatures crooked genius (Philips 191). He subsequently studied languages and philosophy at Clongowes Wood and Belvedere Colleges. Coming from a middle-class family, James was brilliant; Hildegard Tristman considered him to be A writer who lost his brain to forgetting (Tristman 230). Needless were notebooks, his memory was so good that he could retrieve any information he heard or read at any moment. The name Joyce is derived from the French word joyeux and James was supposed to hold the holly spirit of joy. He mostly referred to himself as James Joyceless,a Joy of Evil and as Joyce in the wilderness (Ellmann 12). Growing-up, James was a well-behaved, slim little boy with a set of blue eyes and a pale face. Doing his Jesuit masters, James didnt feel at ease with their teaching techniques but later on in his life when he was asked by August Suter about what he retained from his years in Jetsuit he replied :I have learned to arrange things in such a way that they become easy to survey and to judge (Ellmann 27).He got from Jesuits his hairy platonic idealism and the grounded Aristotelian realism as the question of his Catholic faith was raised by father Daly who indicated that his religious and spiritual manifestations were mysterious(Philip P4) Joyce was head of his class at Clongowes, his memory was absolute, and he was a good athlete too, playing Rugby and Cricket. The fascinating boy came back home with several cups (P 30). James was keen of music and all sorts of art that he took Piano lessons as well. The family had serious financial problems and that did impel James to move closer to Dublin. John Joyce, James father, sold many properties of his in order to provide a better life for his children. The caring father with a pension of  £132 a year struggled to provide comestible, pay school tuitions for the children and to keep a roof over their heads after moving to The Lionville house at Carysford Avenue, Blackrock. The stress caused by the economical difficulties affected James starting from his teen-years that some indicated a flair of drama in his personality and thats when he attained a reputation for being spiritual and conscious of everything happening around him. At Belever, Joyce acquired Italian as a third language to go with Latin and French pursuing to read European literature at the expense of his own grades. In 1897 and by love for art and need to help his family, James participated in the Intermediate Examinations and received an exhibition of  £30 a year and  £3 prize for best English composition in his grade in Ireland (P 51). In the fall of 1898 James attended University College, Dublin from wich he graduated in 1902. During this time, Dublin was a town with many important pillars of literature such as William Butler Yeat, Lady Augusta Gregory, James Clarence and George Moore walking its street. James was influenced by all these writers especially Yeats whom he met privately in early October 1902 on the streets of Dublin and had a deepened conversation with. That strongly showed on his statement of method and intention and the way in which he strongly defended all what is temporary and modern. On April 1900 Ibsens New Drama by James A Joyce was published on the Fortnightly Review and after that, James was no longer an Irishman, he was European. Graduating from U.C Dublin, James main focus was to travel; his targeted city was Paris were he didnt reside easily. At that time, his fame and readership were not particularly widespread (Goldman 84). To stay there was a pointless move so, so he went home for Christmas and then decided to stay when he knew of his mothers health issues. His mother died on August 13th, 1903. After this tragedy, Joyce focused more on making reviews for the Irish Homestead magazine and during this time he met Nora Barnacle and the two moved to Pola in late 1094 where he occupied a teaching position at Berlitz school. The next few years were difficult for James who suffered from financial problems and a major drinking problem too. After that he became disconnected from the people around him. Eventually Joyce, Nora and their child settled into a new life in Paris where he finally was able publish Ulysses but continued to have problems, this time health problems especially with his sightedness (Ellman 2 25-229). Difficulties continued to cross Johns path as his relationship with publishing houses delayed Dubliners from emerging for a decade. Better days were yet to come as he gained an award from the Royal Literary Found in 1915 followed with the publication of A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man in 1916. His work as a whole, Ulysses and Finnegans Wake predominately served to change the face of novels; they represented a playful mixture of English and other languages and novels completely free from the limitations of normal consciousness. James was a relentlessly autobiographical writer, a man who never doubted himself and in August 1929 his self-esteem extended even more as he was praised by George Moore who wrote to John Elton, He (Joyce) was distinguished, courteous, respectful, and I was the same. During their short encounter in London Moore said, I have been only a revolutionary, while you have been a heroic revolutionary, for you had no money (Ellman 617). On January 1935, James moved along with his entourage back to Paris. He didnt feel as blind as Homer, nor as exiled as Dante having as many friends as he did. They moved again to southern France but eventually settled again in Zurich. On January 9th 1941 James was hospitalized, the doctor assured him that he didnt have cancer and that he needed an immediate surgery which George, his father offered to pay for saying well manage Somehow or other (Welcker 53). The surgery was successful as he recovered consciousness but at one Oclock in the morning he relapsed into coma. At 2:15 on January 13,1941, one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century died leaving behind a considerable amount of scholarly interesting works(Cope, Cope 2). 1.4 DUBLINERS James Joyces Dubliners is a collection of stories that aims to portray middle class life in Dublin, Ireland in the early twentieth century. It is a set of 15 short stories published in 1914 where Joyce made to appear the literary portrait of an entire society glimpsing into the lives of different social classes and exploring what it means to be Irish (Joyce VI). Moments of sudden insights arise frequently throughout Dubliners, it have been described and analyzed by critics as a series of fifteen epiphanies coupled with frustrating and enlighten characters with significant and illuminating experiences that are trapped in a city where nothing ever changes. Dubliners stories spotted the paralysis in the Irish society and how helpless in their daily life those individuals are; thanks to Joyce artistic vision which simplified the image of Dublin. (Carter Mc Raf 165) Nothing would explain Joyces purpose in writing Dubliners more than his own words: My intention was to write a chapter of the moral history of my country and I chose Dublin for the scene because the city seemed to me the centre of the paralysis. I have tried to present it to the indifferent public under four of its aspects: childhood, adolescence, maturity and public life. The stories are arranged in this order. I have written it for the most part in a style of scrupulous meanness and with the conviction that he is a very bold man who dares to alter in the presentment, still more to deform, whatever he has seen and heard. (Gillie 94) 1.4.1 Epiphany in Jamess Dubliners An epiphany is: 1_an illuminating realization or discovery, often resulting in a personal feeling of elation, awe, or wonder; its a state of Nirvana, a complete cessation of suffering, and a blissfull state attained through realization of sunyata, simply an enlightened and heightened experience. 2_ a Christian feast celebrated on the 7th of January (Oxford 127) Epiphany in James dictionary is a religious term that refers to the revelation of the infant Jesus to the Magi in the season of time of the Christian church year; he considered it to be a structural device. (Cope-Cope 4) The stories of Dubliners are distinctive to the reader by the sudden insight about the plot and characters who are kept from seeing who they really are. At the first look, the reader might think that the characters, those Dubliners, are taking their journey in a rhythmic way, he might think, hope them to achieve the expectable, but suddenly, a dramatic alternation occurs. Father Flin and Eveline are probably the best examples to this. Father Flin ended up as a spiritually crippled man Unable to cope with his life choices; Eveline was too afraid to escape her miserable life that she missed the opportunity to start over in a new country with the man she loved. James takes us into deep Dublin, showing us versions of citizens who happened to have a bleared vision of their city, families, and of themselves. The last story of the fifteen stories collection The Dead represents both the synthesis and climax of Dubliners. The story took place on January sixth, which is the Christian feast of epiphany, at Kate and Julia Morkans house. This story focuses on Gabriel Conroy from beginning to end throughout his encounter with the party gests who, one by one, ended up revealing his weakness; even his short encounter with the made Lilly turned in to a revealing scene of his lack of sympathy. 1.4.2 The Dead The Dead is one of the finest short stories in English literature. Written by James Joyce, it is known as the most famous and emotionally affecting story of his collection of fifteen stories Dubliners. The story was a late addition long enough to be a novella. The Dead includes much believable dialogue and had a more positive tone and is often referred to as an exception to the generalization made about Dubliners. The Dead also anticipates Joyces move away From the short story and toward the novel, Joyce wrote no other short story after it He had it substantially completed by the 6th of September 1916. This story serves as a final chorus of the book presenting holiday life, the celebrating of Christmas. The Dead is in a way a story of the dead people ghosts who return in envy of the living. (Kelleher 414) The Dead is a fitting conclusion to the stories collected in Dubliners; it could be seen as another capacity within the Joycean oeuvre, James let Symbolism flow freely throughout his short story and utilizes his main characters and objects to impress upon his readers and show them the real crippled condition of the Dublin he saw and the Dublin that negated him. Critical Reception of The Dead The nineteenth-century novel explored the external world, whereas the modern novel has dedicated itself to the inner world of the human consciousness (Fletcher 246) The modern epoch has found in critical reception both a mirror with which it could examine the many vices and perversions that define it and an obscure tapestry of almost fundamentalist punishments that are entirely alien to it. The twentieth century novelist James Joyce is a vivid example of modern writers who managed to not only engage with the world but to reform it as well. The tradition bound culture has a dangerous capacity for stifling rather than nourishing the life instinct. Like most of his contemporary writers, Joyces story in The Dead anticipates the traumatic moment of self-discovery by a series of images that convey the protagonists unacknowledged estrangement from nature (Sullivan P4) Writers make images vivid in any number of ways, James imagination was trained to be a compiler of aspects. The Deads scenes take place at night, when things arent usually so clear (Phillips 198) Ghosts are present in the character of Michael Furey who was in love with Gretta and died in Galway, Gabriel knew that, and all over the sudden perceived the tormenting truth; he has always had a competitor who had been capable of greater love than he could ever be. 2.1 Psychoanalytic Theory in The Dead Psychoanalysis is to be understood in its wider meaning to include all psycho-dynamic theories and therapies, regardless as to whether they emanate from Freud or Jung or elsewhere. Although the Freudian professional organizations regard the term psychoanalysis as one which refers solely to their own theory and practices, and although the Jungians and Adlerians call themselves analytical and individual psychologists respectively in the hope of differentiating themselves from the Freudians, these distinctions have never caught on even among the well-informed laity, which has always been more impressed by the similarities of the schools than by their differences (Rycroft 08) Freudian. Psychoanalytic theory is basically historical; it treats learning as cumulative, so that early experiences influence later experiences. 2.2 The Irish case The general history of a nation may fitly preface the personal memoranda of a solitary captive ( John Mitchel, Jail Journal. Dublin 1918). The Irish Question is a phrase used to describe Irish nationalism and the calls for Irish independence. It encompasses issues such as religion, the Irish-British politics and land ownership (Amato Demi Petrone P3). The 20th century marked the end of the British colonial project in Ireland leaving the country with an outdated agricultural system and a weak industrial economy. The English informal colonization created a nation that is neither native Irish nor wholly British. (Duke 18) The Irish are descended from the Celtic people who originally inhabited the Island and who are old Catholics, while the English descended minorities were protestant. A sense of belonging and national solidarity arises among the natives and this resulted into a typical of national consciousness about the imperial ascendency the British Empire had on Ireland. In 1536, Henry VIII decided to conquer Ireland and he was proclaimed King of Ireland in 1541. The Irish Catholics rebelled against the British crown and ruled over Ireland (1642-1649) until Oliver Cromwel, the English military and political leader, the man known as the protector of England, re-conquered Ireland in1653 and ruled over it with the Kings blessing. (Amado Demi Petrone P5 6). Therefore, in the course of the century there were several movements reclaiming Britain to return the Irish lands its real possessors and France offered military help. The English Prime Minister Pitt was frightened by the idea of having the Irish lands uses as a structural military base against the English soil and persuaded the Irish Parliament to agree to its own abolition. In the course of centuries Ireland witnessed ups and downs in its relation with the British crown starting from The Union with Britain (1801-1912) to the Home Rule Bill of 1912 which was suspended for the war. In 1920 English Parliament passed the Government of Ireland Act establishing separate domestic legislatures for the north and south and in1949 Ireland finally broke the link with Britain Commonwealth and became an independent republic (Ibid 17). Modern Ireland and from the early 1970 faced many challenges that were mainly related to religion. The Catholics did not feel safe in Ireland; forming The Civil Rights Association they were attacked by Protestants in 1968 and 1969. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) got involved right after the RUC failed to stop the anarchy. The IRA troops split into two wings: The officials whose first duty was to establish peace; and The Provisional who declared war on Britain; that last one responded by taking over Northern Ireland in 1972. IRA replied by bombing Westminster Hall and London; assassinating Lord Mountbatten and MP Airey Neave in 1979 and attempting to blow the Grand Hotel while Mr. Thatcher is a denizen of it. In 1985 the Anglo-Irish Treaty was signed, both sides agreed to collaborate and work together fighting terrorism establishing a new, and hopefully, a lasting peaceful state of coexistence. 1.2.1 Emigration, Exile and contemporary Ireland There is the personal element in exile, an element that muffles and beclouds the works effects, the insistent self-dramatizations as another factor, a major one. (Peter 627) The Irish society like any other society had many great problems that dwelt deeply in everyday life. Unemployment and poverty reached their peak in the late interwar period. The failure of the potato crop in the mid 1840 effected several areas leaving behind according to Sir William Wild; the father of the well-known emigrant Oscar a poor, weak, old, lame, sick, blind, dumb, imbecile and insane population (Fitzpatrick I). The Irish emigration from the Irish lands had everything to do with the potato famine economy and the exploitation of labor in the fields. By the 1900s Northern Ireland was suffering from stagnation, its population was overwhelmed by famine, immigration, hopelessness, paralysis in all forms. Alcohol was another massive problem according to Larry Harrison who stated that North Irish study group contained a significantly higher proportion of heavy drinkers and thats why the Irish man was and still widely known and stereotyped as a heavy consumer of alcoholic drinks.(P 59) The disoriented Anglo-Irishry of after 1922 aimed to reconstruct the consciousness of nineteenth-century Irish people who felt as if all their dreams and life goals are thrown in the deep St George channel. For the majority f the Irish middle class, being abroad was a common thing, they traveled to all parts of Europe but Britain was often their first destination. Emigration as a concept must include the middle-class or petit bourgeois (Foster P 283) who found in places such as London the solid soil and deep settled state they needed to form a literary career. Britain was, and everyone agreed, a Modernist wonderland. 1.2.2 Who is Gabriel Conroy? It has often been pointed that James self-consciousness was found and showed over years of writing various and confusing fictional phenomenon we call the novel today. The Edwardian Irishman promoted the movement of  «Imagism » as a new rhythmic practice which employ the language of common speech and have complete freedom in subject matter. Joyce took his style to a new and highly experimental level by inventing, dreaming and creating new characters so that he would ultimately get modern and unique plots. Gabriel Conroy is one of his most controversial Characters ever; a man that represents a variety well known and present in the Irish society. (Gillie 90) Gabriel Conroy is the main character in Joyces short story The Dead. The man has the portray of an educated intellectual Irish gentleman but when looking beyond and analyzing the events of the night we notice that he is nothing more than a privileged brat with very low self-esteem and tremulous self-respect. The man had a fatuous self-righteousness that was present as a result to the imaginatively records of Joyces literary and dramatic revision of themes and context. ( Shelly Jr 134) 2.2.4 Paralysis in The Dead For it is well known that one of the oldest and most persistent clichà ©s of Joycean criticism has been to associate the Dublin of Joyces oeuvre with the one inhabited by his Dubliners. Garry Leonard voiced reservations as to the implications made by James and asked a very accurate Question: If Dublin is the center of paralysis, what is the periphery? (Leonard P320)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Dangers of Driving Essay -- Road Safety
What is as dangerous if not more dangerous than murder and suicide? A car accident is. Being in the seat of a vehicle put’s a driver’s life in jeopardy the instant they are in the seat of a vehicle. Adam Ford explains drivers licenses were issued first in the 1900s and conditions have changed substantially: More powerful cars exist, and more are on the road (Ford). With this notion, Ford explains why cars are more dangerous on the road; however, the types of cars that exist in present times are not the sole reason the road is more dangerous. John Pearson states, car accidents are the leading cause of death from ages three to thirty-five world-wide (Pearson). Mainly, drivers cause these car accidents. Cellphone usage in the US is one of the central contributors to car crashes, because the habits shaped from cellphone usage, such as texting generate danger. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 500,000 people were injured and 5 ,500 were killed by distracted driving in 2009 (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). The road has become a progressively hazardous place with distracted driving on the increase. Additionally, alcohol misuse causes increased danger while in a car. Ralph Hingson, a Sc.D., states that of all alcoholic-related crashes in 2002, 4 percent caused death, and 42 percent caused injury. Hingson further asserts, in dissimilarity of the crashes that did not involve alcohol, 0.6 percent caused deaths, and 31 percent caused injury (Hingson). Deaths and injuries increased this much cannot be taken lightly. Furthermore, age is also a factor in why car crashes have increased in the last decade. Youth drivers are the primary users of cellphones, which means that they text... ...ows older their eyesight does diminish, and other drivers would also have the opportunity to know if they needed any glasses or contacts. Once an individual receives a license, they are certified to drive for life until they get caught drinking and driving. Works Cited Ford, Adam. â€Å"The Minimum Driving Age Should be Raised†. The Minimum Driving Age. (2009). 2-2. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. Hingson, Ralph. â€Å"Epidemiology and Consequences of Drinking and Driving†. Alcoholic Research &Health. 27.1 (2003): 63-78. SIRS Knowledge Source. Web. 2 Dec. 2010. Pearson, John. â€Å"Cellphone Bans Make Sense†Cellphones. (2009). 5-5. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. United States. Department of Transportation. â€Å"Faces of Distracted Driving†. Distraction.gov. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2010.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Cause Of Obesity Health And Social Care Essay
Today there are about 23 1000000s teens populating in the US. ( Channel one web ) About 43 per centum of those are found to hold 5 repasts or more a twenty-four hours. ( Channel one web ) About tierce have 4 repasts per twenty-four hours. Shockingly, merely about one-fourth consume 3 or less times a twenty-four hours. ( Channel one web ) Between the repasts, many teens choose to hold bites and Sweets instead than fruits. ( E-Medicine Health ) This sort of nutrient contains high-calories with low foods. ( E-Medicine Health ) Therefore, when teens eat this sort of nutrients excessively much than their organic structure demands, the organic structure will hive away the extra fat and over clip it will convey fleshiness to them. ( Suthouchaworawud ) Harmonizing to the USDA ‘s Nationwide Food ingestion, Daily entire energy consumption additions for adolescent misss and male childs by 113 and 243 Calories, severally. Soda ingestion increased dramatically in the early to mid 1990s. 32 per centum of adolescent misss and 52 per centum of adolescent male childs consume three or more eight ounce helpings of soda per twenty-four hours. Soft drink ingestion for stripling male childs has about tripled, from 7 to 22 oz. per twenty-four hours between 1978 and 1994. ( US Department of wellness ) In add-on, some parents and teens sometimes misunderstand about what healthy nutrient is. They are taken in by what the media promote to be a healthy bite. ( Popkin 64-67 ) The media claim that a healthy bite is good for your wellness, unlike, debris bite. ( Popkin 64-67 ) This is wholly incorrect. What media claim to be a healthy bite still contains high Calories and this means it can still assist teens to develop fleshiness. ( Popkin 64-67 ) Siam Thai teens today have a greater hazard of developing fleshiness because of their pick to eat. ( Manager online 174 ) Harmonizing to the statistic of Department of wellness, it shows that 55.7 per centums of teens in Bangkok between ages 12-18 like holding fast nutrient. ( Business Thai ) The most popular fast nutrients are pizza, fried poulet and beefburger. ( Business Thai ) About 35 % drink soda on a regular basis. ( Business Thai ) The alterations in teens ‘ eating wont contribute by alteration in parental function. Today many female parents work outdoors place to assist back up their household. ( Huadsiri 9 ) This means that female parent finally hold less clip to look after their households, particularly, their childs. ( Huadsiri 9 ) As parents have no clip or excessively tired from their work to cook, obviously, it show an increasing figure of households consume pre-cooked repast, street nutrient or fast nutrient either Thai or Western manner, alternatively of homemade re past. ( Huadsiri 9 ) Besides many teens remaining on their ain are more likely to eat out instead than cooking themselves. From my ain experience when I was in high school, I stayed at residence hall on my ain because my school was really far off from place. Most of my repasts there are pre-cooked repasts from outside because it is faster, more convenient and besides salvage my clip to clean up. Doctor Manat Karykul, a bosom onslaught physician and dietician at Rama infirmary, states that people who eat out addition 290 Calories more than eat at place. ( Manager Online ) This is because eating houses use much more oil in their nutrient. ( Manager Online ) Furthermore, oil which is used by eating house is palm oil. As everyone knows palm oil contains high-calories. ( Chunnasawadikun 36 ) Restaurants besides use a batch of sugar to their nutrient so the costumiers receive great sum of sugar from eating out. ( Chunnasawadikun 36 ) But when adolescent or their parents cook at place they can pull off around what stuff they should utilize. ( Manager Online ) Not merely do teens today over consume saccharide and fat, but they besides consume really small of vegetable. ( Bussiness Thai ) Vegetable filled with fibre aid to absorb fat from nutrient and let go of it out before bowel will absorb it into the organic structure. ( Chunnasawadikun 40 ) Furthermore, fibre besides helps to take fat that shop in the organic structure out to utilize it easy. ( Chunnasawadikun 40 ) This means that teens who eat really small vegetable can derive weight than teens who do because their organic structures to the full absorb fat into organic structure. ( Chunnasawadikun 40 ) From 1999 to 2004 entire gross revenues for bite in Thailand increased 35.2 per centum. ( Hawkes 47 ) In 2006 Thai teens spent 26 Baht per twenty-four hours on mean purchasing bite or 9,800 Baht per twelvemonth. ( Department of wellness 136 ) This is a large sum of money disbursement on nutrient compared to instruction. ( Department of wellness ) Furthermore, most bites that teens consume are â€Å" extruded bite †which chiefly consist of flour, sugar, Na taking teens to bit by bit develop fleshiness. ( Hawkes 47 ) Tai teens today receive about 23 per centum of energy from bite. ( Hawkes 40 ) Department of Health releases the information that kids age 12-14 have higher per centum in devouring high-energy bites, sugary drink, and high fat nutrient more than any other groups. ( Department of Health ) In decision, both Thailand and the U.S. ‘ feeding wont has been altering overtime in the same way in the manner that lead them to hold more opportunity in developing fleshiness. With both parents have to work outdoors to assist prolong their criterion of life, they have less clip with households. Because of this ground, it helps to explicate why both Thailand and the U.S. , the figure of striplings ‘ eating out has been progressively in late. With eating out, most teens take convenient into consideration in taking their nutrient. Inevitably, both Thai and American teens are more likely to devour fast nutrient, such as, pizza, fried poulet and beefburger – the nutrient that leads them to bit by bit develop obesity- because of its time-saving. Furthermore, teens in both the U.S. and Thailand consume a big sum of bite and sodium carbonate. The entire figure of ingestion of bite and sodium carbonate in both states help bespeak teens ‘ state of affairs now at the high hazard in going corpulent.B. Physical ActivitiesThe US Many research workers conclude that there is an association between stripling ‘s behaviour and their environment. ( University of Florida ) The research workers claim that if the community has a safe park or environment supplying for teens, they are more likely to pass much more clip outside place holding merriment with friends and being more physically active. ( University of Florida ) This thought can back up by Toronto metropolis planning. Toronto provides its citizen an extra of bike lane which leads to the addition of 23 % in motorcycle usage. ( US Department of wellness ) Unfortunately, the environment in most of the metropoliss and suburbs today do non turn out to advance physically active for teens. ( US Department of wellness ) The unfastened countries and public Parkss available in the metropolis are few. ( US Department of wellness ) As a consequence, teens have no safe topographic point to hang out, therefore they stay home. Furthermore, high offense rate, unattende d Canis familiariss and insecure pathway besides maintain teens from out-of-door activities. ( US Department of wellness ) Traffic is another important factor that prevents teens from being physically active such as bicycling or walking. ( US Department of wellness ) Unfortunately, the increasing figure of people who are dead and injured in route accident causes the parents to be more likely to forbid their kids to travel out because they worry about their kids safety. ( University of Florida ) This high rate of accidents can assist to explicate why the figure of pupils walking to school decreased from 20 per centum in 1977 to 12 per centum in 2001. ( US Department of wellness ) The innovation of Television, computing machine games and picture games is besides another of import ground that keeps kids and teens from physical activities. Average striplings today watch Television or utilize computing machine about 3 hours per twenty-four hours. ( E-medicine wellness ) With sitting and watching Television or surfing the cyberspace, this limits their motion utilizing really small energy. ( E-medicine wellness ) Not merely do they utilize less energy, but watching Television and playing computing machine games besides encourages noshing. ( E-medicine wellness ) Furthermore, with working parents, striplings are less likely to take part in after school athleticss because parents worry about their kids ‘s transit to place. ( E-medicine wellness ) This instability between the energy ingestion and the energy disbursal leads teens eventually to go corpulent. ( Suthouchaworawud ) Siam From the study that was conducted at Siam Paragon and Central Pinklao, it shockingly shows that merely 9 per centum exerting more than 1-2 times per work while 24 per centum barely exercising at all. ( Appendix1, 2 ) Many factors contribute why many teens today exercising less. The most popular reply for why striplings today exercising less is because of their indolence which accounted for 50 per centum. ( Appendix1, 2 ) They merely do n't desire to exert. But this is non an lone ground that keeps teens from being physically active. Harmonizing to my experience, sometimes it has to make with holding no clip every bit good because of busy agenda of tutoring. Many Thai teens today have to travel to tutoring schools after categories and besides during the weekend. Tai pupils start school at 8.30 A.M. and complete at 3.30 P.M. Many of them have to travel for tutoring after school until 8 or 9 P.M. After they finish tutoring, they have to make prep. Even during the weekend, they have to t ravel for the coachs. This means that they about have no clip to make any other thing else. Technology is besides one of import factor lending to adolescent fleshiness. Harmonizing to the study, 39 % spend their free clip playing computing machine games while merely 12 % playing athleticss. ( Appendix1, 1 ) This shows that today Thai teens spend much more clip in forepart of Television or computing machines than traveling out. This can impact a great trade to their wellness as everyone knows that exerting can maintain his organic structure tantrum. Besides about teens today use private or public transit alternatively of walking or bicycling to school like the yesteryear. ( Tonsurat 12 ) This can non be blamed on teens themselves. Missing of pathway and bike lanes, high offense rate, and busy traffic makes it insecure for teens to walk or bicycle to school. ( Tonsurat 12 ) Furthermore, most teens go to school which it is really far off from place, doing it impossible for them to walk school. ( Tonsurat 12 ) To sum up, teens in both Thailand and the U.S. are now going physically inactive due to many grounds. First ground is to make with engineering. Technology- auto, coach, machine and computer- aid people, particularly, teens to populate lives more convenient and comfy, but, at the clip it is besides destroy their wellness indirectly. They now use labor-saving device, therefore, they spend less energy. Equally good as the innovation of Television and computing machine besides another of import ground to maintain teens of both teens from being physically active. Thai and American teens spend tonss of their clip in forepart of Television or computing machine each twenty-four hours. This non merely does it restrict the motion of teens as they merely sit in one topographic point, but it besides promote noshing. With more energy consumption, but less energy disbursement, teens, necessarily, will go corpulent. Not merely does the engineering affect a great trade on how people live, but enviro nment where teens live besides affect on teens ‘ behaviour. With the aid of engineering to construct up the modern metropolis, unfastened infinites for kids and teens to hang out available become less. Therefore, teens stay home, as reference above, passing their clip in forepart of Television and computing machine. Briefly, by being physically inactive allows a big figure of Thai and American teens now at terrible hazard to be fleshiness in about hereafter.C. Socioeconomic positionThe US The United State of American, many research workers have found a relation between poorness and fleshiness. ( Kuil 86 ) â€Å" Poverty can greatly impact the manner people eat. †( Kuil 1 ) A immense sum of hapless people are corpulent instead than scraggy. ( Kuil 1 ) From the statistic, it shows that about 23 per centum of teens who develop fleshiness come from low income households while merely 14 per centum are kids in the better off households. ( Hitti ) Poor people choose to purchase nutrient based on their income instead than quality of nutrient. ( Kuil 1 ) Poor people do non believe about what is healthy or unhealthy nutrient to devour because most of them instead concern if today they will hold something to eat. ( Kuil 1 ) So with their limited income, they are forced to buy cheaper nutrients. ( Kuil 1 ) What hapless people get with cheaper nutrients is normally canned or frozen nutrient, cookies, and soda – â€Å" nutrient loaded with fat and Calories. †( Hawn 92 ) . Poor people are less likely to buy fresh veggies, and fruits. This is because they are expensive and besides inconvenient for hapless people prepare home-meals. ( Kuil 1 ) A research worker, Nanci Hellmich, at USA Today has demonstrated that, â€Å" The Atkins diet would be about one hundred dollars a hebdomad if you make all the repasts at place, and the South Beach diet would be about 90 dollars a hebdomad. †( Kuil 2-3 ) This is a batch of money for hapless people to pass on nutrient in which most probably can non afford it. Furthermore, debris nutrient is widespread among the hapless. ( Kuil 1 ) This is because it is easy to happen and besides really inexpensive. ( Kuil 1 ) Junk nutrient can be considered a bad diet nutrient excessively because of its â€Å" empty Calories. †( Kuil 1 ) The â€Å" empty Calories †is the nutrients that contain high-calories with small other nutritionary values to your wellness. ( Kuil 1 ) This has a immense impact on their wellness refering their weight because they are more likely to over consume high-energy nutrient with its inexpensive monetary value and convenient. The Food Researcher and Action Center one time stated, In order to get by with limited money for nutrient and to stave off hungriness, households try to maximise thermal consumption for each dollar spent, which can take to over ingestion of Calories and a less healthful diet. ( Kuil 1 ) Since hapless teens have no pick to take a assortment of nutrient because of their limited household income, they are more likely than other category to devour unhealthy nutrients because of its inexpensive monetary value. Furthermore, teens ‘ physical activities with low income household are frequently limited. This is because their parents do non hold adequate money to offer their kid a gym or to fall in a athletics squad at school. ( Kuil 1 ) To fall in a athletics squad at school, it costs a great trade of money for the low income household. They have to purchase uniforms, athletics places and sometimes sport equipment. ( Kuil 1 ) With their limited money which even sometimes they have nil to eat, hapless teens are less likely to fall in and play athleticss. â€Å" The deficiency of physical activity combined with the hapless quality of nutrient leads to fleshiness. †( Kuil 1 ) The ground why the unhealthy nutrients – sodium carbonate, cookies, debris nutrients – cost much less than veggies, fruits and meats is because of the subsidy plans designed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. ( Hawn ) The authorities spends a batch of money support on farming soya bean and maize doing it more plenty and cheaper than earlier. ( Hawn ) These subsidized soya bean and maize are distilled into â€Å" soybean oil and high fructose maize sirup, †two constituents usually found in high-calories nutrients such as soft drinks, cheeseburgers, murphy french friess and etc. ( Hawn ) With these authorities ‘s subsidy plans, the nutrients utilizing these soybean oil and maize sirup as a chief ingredient, go inexpensive. ( Hawn ) Dr. Adam Drewnoski at University of Washing concluded that the nutrient that uses subsidised harvests, such as Gallic fried, beefburgers and sodium carbonate, cost about five times less than the nutrient which is non subsidize d by authorities, such as Brassica oleracea italicas and fruit juices. ( Hawn 93 ) Siam Higher monetary value of nutrient around the universe and besides in Thailand affects a great trade on hapless people particularly among the husbandmans and labourers. ( Action for alteration 98 ) The higher monetary value of nutrient in Thailand has increased a batch during these few months both internally and externally. Among the goods, rice monetary value which is the chief beginning of nutrient in Thailand reaches the extremum. ( Action for alteration ) Besides, other monetary value, of nutrients such as porc, poulet, eggs have increased a great trade. ( Action for alteration ) This is due to the high monetary value of gas needed in transit the natural stuffs and the merchandises. ( Action for alteration ) Furthermore, the increasing monetary value of nutrients certainly affects on how hapless people purchase them. ( Action for alteration ) The hapless teens are scraggy and develop malfunction disease than fleshiness because without money or small money, many hapless kids in Tha iland have no money to purchase nutrient. ( Thai good wellness ) Unicef stated that kids and teens in Thailand who live in poorness are much likely to burden 4 times less than teens who live in better off households. ( The Thai News ) The kids and teens eat merely what their parents can buy or happen around them each twenty-four hours. ( Thai good wellness ) Some yearss, they merely have a spot of rice to eat without any meat or veggie. ( Thai good wellness ) With nutrient they can happen, they grill and boil meat, soft-boil veggies eaten with chili paste, alternatively of frying it assisting cut down fat in it. ( CDIR ) These sorts of nutrients contain low fat and Calories so it is healthy to eat. ( CDIR ) Still many people wonder that Thai curries are filled with coconut milk which contains much fat. Although curries contain batch of fat signifier coconut milk, herb in the curries can assist absorb much fat from coconut milk. ( Tonsurat 13 ) In decision, income degree does non needfully take to kids fleshiness in every state. It besides depends on many other factors such as the nature of each state ‘s regular nutrients, their citizens ‘ eating wonts, and besides the authoritiess ‘ actions. The Americans ‘ eating wont tends to prefer high-fat nutrient which provides a batch of energy for they live in cold clime. In contrary, Thais ‘ feeding wont is more concerned about wellness and herb plus that it is easier to turn and happen fresh veggies than to afford meat or even the cookery oil, the state of affairs is the other manner around in the United States. As mentioned earlier, the authoritiess sometimes have important influence on nutrient every bit good ; the U.S. authorities subsidizes high-calorie harvests which subsequently leads to high-calorie but inexpensive nutrients contrast with Thailand of which the authorities support the production of healthy nutrients like veggies and fruits plus the tropical clime is suited for turning them doing them low-cost, for instant illustration, the theory of sufficiency economic system introduced by our great King Rama 9th which promote every family to turn veggies by themselves for internal ingestion. The bottom line behind all of this can be summarized into one sentence which is â€Å" corpulent nutrients are inexpensive in the U.S. while expensive in Thailand and frailty versa for the utile nutrients. â€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Introduction to the World of Retailing
Chapter 01 Introduction to the World of RetailingMultiple Choice Questions1. (p. 6) What is retailing? A. It is the merchandising component of the retail mix. B. It is the set of business activities that adds value to the products and services sold to consumers for their personal use. C. It is the strategy retailers and vendors use to get products into the stores. D. It is the process of offering products in smaller quantities for consumer consumption patterns. E. It is the ability to offer enough variety in a store to encourage one-stop shopping. Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition 2. (p. ) Which of the following businesses would be considered a retailer? A. a hot dog cart at the Highland Games B. Delta Airlines C. University bookstore D. Priceline. com E. all of the above Retailers are businesses that sell goods and/or services. Difficulty: Medium Type: Application 3. (p. 6) Why is it imperative that manufacturers like Apple Computer and Proctor and Gamble understand how retailers operate? A. Manufacturers will be able to sell directly on-line. B. Manufacturers will understand how to get their products on the shelves and sold to the customer. C. Manufacturers can better sell merchandise without retailers.D. Retailers can expect fewer buyouts to occur. E. Manufacturers can limit multi-channel integration Difficulty: Medium Type: Comprehension 4. (p. 6) A ______________ is a business that sells products and/or services to consumers for their personal or family use. A. manufacturer B. wholesaler C. retailer D. Distributor Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition 5. (p. 6) The decisions that retail manger make include: A. Selecting their target markets B. Selecting retail locations C. Negotiating with suppliers D. Training and motivating sales associates E. All of the above Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension6. (p. 7) A(n) ______________ is a set of firms that make and deliver a given set of goods and services to the ultimate consumer. A. supply chain B. buying network C. trade association D. integrated wholesale network Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition7. (p. 7) A retailer's role in a supply chain is to: A. act as the liaison between manufacturers and wholesalers B. buy merchandise exclusively from the manufacturers C. negotiate with manufacturers to eliminate a wholesaler D. satisfy the needs of the consumers E. sell to wholesalers Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition8. (p. ) ______________ is when a firm performs more than one set of activities in a channel. A. Channel diversification B. Horizontal development C. Horizontal integration D. Ve rtical development E. Vertical integration Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition9. (p. 7) If a chain of florist shops opened a plant nursery to provide gift plants and cut flowers to all of its outlets within a 300-mile radius, the chain would be practicing A. vertical integration. B. channel expansion. C. horizontal expansion. D. opportunity incrementing. E. service marketing. The florist is performing more than one channel function. Difficulty: Medium Type: Application10. (p. 7) Victoria's Secret, a popular retail chain in women's lingerie and perfume, design the merchandise they sell, and then contract with manufacturers to produce it exclusively for them. Victoria's Secret is practicing: A. globalization B. product-related marketing C. vertical integration D. horizontal integration E. product diversification Because the retail chain designs and contracts its manufacturing firm, it is an example of vertical integration. Difficulty: Medium Type: Application11. (p. 7) Why is it advanta geous for retailers to be vertically integrated? A.It is advantageous because retailers can develop unique merchandise sold only in their stores. B. Retailers can expand their services easily to the Internet because they can direct orders to the manufacturer C. Retailers have realized that to stay competitive, they must become vertically integrated D. Customers prefer retailers who are vertically integrated. E. There is no advantage to being vertically integrated. Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension12. (p. 7) A retailer that is vertically integrated: A. concentrates on selling to businesses only B. does not have frequent communication between buyers and managers C. as an excellent vertical relationship between corporate and stores D. performs more than one function in the chain from manufacturing to sales to end user E. performs only one function to end user Difficulty: Medium Type: Definition13. (p. 7) __________________ arises when a retailer performs some distribution and manufa cturing activities, such as operating warehouses or designing private-label merchandise. A. Globalization B. Product-related marketing C. Backward integration D. Horizontal integration E. Forward integration Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition14. (p. ) _______________ occurs when a manufacturer undertakes retailing activities. A. Private label business B. Product-related marketing C. Backward integration D. Horizontal integration E. Forward integration Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition15. (p. 7) Retailers provide important functions that increase the value of the products and services they sell to consumers. Which of the following does not include value function created by a retailer? A. Providing an assortment of products and services B. Reducing production costs with innovative design C. Breaking bulk D. Holding inventory E. Providing services Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition16. (p. 8) Which of the following statements about retailers holding inventory is FALSE? A. By having invent ory held in the store, consumers can hold less merchandise at home. B. By holding inventory, retailers can decrease the visual merchandising expenditure. C. Holding inventory in a store helps serve the customer's needs. D. Retailers keep inventory so products are available when consumers want them. E. Holding inventory reduces consumer's cost of storing products. Difficulty: Medium Type: Comprehension17. (p. 8) Grocers purchase pineapples from several different tropical countries.When pineapples arrive in the distribution centers across the United States, containers are reduced to amounts that are appropriate for store delivery. Once delivered to the stores, associates open the cartons and arrange the pineapples for the consumer to select. Grocers are performing what function? A. adaptive selling B. breaking bulk C. acclimating D. distribution E. transferring Difficulty: Medium Type: Comprehension18. (p. 8) Providing assortments is an advantageous business activity because: A. it en ables the company to create a more informational and entertaining environment that would promote more sales B. t enables the company to reinvest for the future of the business. C. it enables the customer to choose from a wide selection of brands, designs, sizes and prices all in one store D. it enables the customer to try more products E. It enables the customer to stock up on the assortments because of bulk availability. Difficulty: Medium Type: Application19. (p. 8) One of the functions retailers undertake to increase the customer's perception of value is providing services. Which of the following would be an example of that activity? A. clean restrooms B. displaying merchandise C. aving trained salespeople available to answer questions D. well-lit parking E. all of the above All of these functions are provided by the retailer to make it easier for a customer to buy and use products. Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension20. (p. 8) A credit union holds and maintains detailed records of the banking activities of its members. Each quarter, the credit union provides its members a printout of banking activities, information about low rate loans and pre-owned automobiles. By contacting its members on a regular basis, the credit union is engaging in the business function of: A. breaking bulk B. olding inventory C. providing assortments D. financing E. providing services Maintaining records and informing members are services. Difficulty: Easy Type: Application21. (p. 9) Retailing is one of the nation's largest industries in terms of: A. community involvement B. employment C. competition D. promotions E. variety Difficulty: Easy Type: Fact22. (p. 11) When considering the largest retailers worldwide, ___________ retailers continue to dominate among them. A. food B. apparel C. drug D. home-improvement E. Internet Difficulty: Medium Type: Comprehension23. (p. 11) Which of the following statements about the U.S. distribution system is true? A. Many people think the United States is understored. B. Many U. S. retailers are large enough to have their own warehouses and have eliminated their need for wholesalers. C. When compared to retail density in Europe, the United States is very low. D. The small specialty store is the fastest growing type of U. S. retailer. E. All of the above statements about the U. S. distribution system are false. The U. S. is probably overstored. The U. S. has the greatest retail density in the world. The large store with over 20,000 square feet is the fastest growing type of U. S. etailer. Difficulty: Medium Type: Fact24. (p. 11) The Chinese distribution system: A. has more people employed in distribution than the U. S. B. is characterized by small stores with a large wholesale industry C. is more efficient than the distribution system in the U. S. D. is more similar to U. S. distribution systems than Europe's systems E. none of the above Difficulty: Medium Type: Fact25. (p. 11) The fastest growing retailers in the United St ates sell through: A. kiosks in malls and department stores B. large stores with over 20,000 square feet C. outlet stores D. small specialty stores E. he Internet Difficulty: Medium Type: Fact26. (p. 12) What factors have created differences in the distribution systems in the major markets? A. geography B. market size C. the high population density in Europe, China, and India D. different social and political objectives E. all of the above Difficulty: Easy Type: Fact27. (p. 12) Which of the following is NOT TRUE when explaining what created differences within the distribution system of the major international markets? A. China and India have many large businesses to reduce unemployment. B. E. U. has many large retailers to achieve economy of scales. C. E. U. countries protect small retailers. D. China has many large retailers because it has an abundance of low-cost real estate available for building large stores. Difficulty: Hard Type: Fact28. (p. 12) Which of the following is NOT T RUE in describing distribution systems within major international markets? A. The U. S. distribution system has the greatest retail density and the greatest concentration of large retail firms. B. The Indian distribution systems are characterized by small stores operated by small firms and a large independent wholesale industry. C. In the Chinese distribution system, the merchandise often passes through several levels of distribution to make the daily deliveries to the small retailers efficient. D. Northern European retailing is similar to efficient distribution system in the U. S. E. Southern European retailing is fragmented across all sectors. F. All of the above is true. G. None of the above is true. Difficulty: Medium Type: Comprehension29. (p. 16) The competition between the same types of retailers is called: A. intertype competition B. indirect competition C. intratype competition D. scrambled merchandising E. vertical integration Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition30. (p. 16) C VS, Walgreens and Rite Aid are _________ competitors. A. indirect B. intratype C. intertype D. vertical E. horizontal All three category killers utilize the same format Difficulty: Medium Type: Application31. (p. 16) Macy's, Belk, JCPenney and Nordstrom are ___________ competitors. A. channel B. vertical C. intertype D. intratype E. none of the above All three department stores use the same format Difficulty: Medium Type: Application32. (p. 16) Which of the following would be an intratype competitor for a Home Depot supermarket? A. Target B. Lowe's C. Kroger D. Macy's E. All of the above Lowes is a home-improvement center Difficulty: Easy Type: Application33. (p. 16) What is variety? A. Variety is the number of different items in a category. B. Variety is the number of different SKU's within a merchandise category. C. Variety is the number of different merchandise categories within a store. D. Variety is another term for scrambled merchandising. E. Variety is the number of different facets of the business plan. Difficulty: Medium Type: Definition34. (p. 16) When Taco Bell opened its first restaurant, a hungry patron could order a taco, a burrito and a Coke. In those early years, Taco Bell did not offer much: A. assortment B. product depth C. quantity D. value E. variety Difficulty: Medium Type: Application35. (p. 16) Dillards sells Godiva chocolates and coffees in their stores. By selling such products, Dillards is: A. offering a good merchandise mix B. offering what the market demands C. offering deep product assortments D. practicing scrambled merchandising E. practicing intratype competition Difficulty: Medium Type: Application36. (p. 16) The offering of merchandise not typically associated with the store type is called: A. scrambled merchandising B. ntratype competition C. product diversification D. channel conflict E. vertical differentiation Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition37. (p. 16) While vacationing at the beach, Delia was delighted to see that the l ocal Walgreens carried milk, bread, apples and bananas. Her delight indicates she has never seen: A. a deep product assortment B. an acceptable merchandising mix C. a retail mix D. scrambled merchandising E. this type of intratype competition Difficulty: Medium Type: Application38. (p. 16) Scrambled merchandising increases: A. vertical integration B. intertype competition C. concentric diversification D. orizontal integration E. intratype competition Difficulty: Medium Type: Comprehension39. (p. 16) Which of the following would be an example of intertype competition? A. a supermarket and a fresh flower stand B. a specialty store and a fast food restaurant C. a supercenter and a pharmacy D. a convenience store and a department store E. all of the above Difficulty: Easy Type: Application40. (p. 16) The Lands' End Web site, the JCPenney catalog, and the Sears area all in ____________ competition. A. channel B. horizontal C. indirect D. intertype E. intratype They all sell similar produ cts, but use different formats to do so. Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension41. (p. 16) Increasing intertype competition has made it harder for retailers to identify their: A. competition B. target market C. merchandise mix D. retail mix E. none of the above Difficulty: Medium Type: Comprehension42. (p. 16) The intensity of competition is greatest among retailers when: A. price dominates the retail mix B. they are located near each other and offer similar retail offerings C. they are located near each other and target the same customer D. they are located far from each other and offer similar retail offerings E. hey are located far from each other and target the same customer Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension43. (p. 16) Since convenience of location is important in store choice, a store's proximity to competitors is a critical factor in identifying: A. competition B. ethical standards C. real estate negotiations D. the target market E. which merchandise to scramble Difficulty: M edium Type: Comprehension44. (p. 18) Once a retailer understands its environment, it needs to develop and implement a: A. viable customer base B. advertising plan C. retail strategy D. competitive strategy E. functional strategy The retail strategy is developed after information is gathered in a situation analysis. Although similar in theory to a business plan, it is specific to the retailing industry. Difficulty: Easy Type: Application45. (p. 18) The retail strategy helps a retailer to identify the following EXCEPT: A. The target market toward which the retailer will direct its efforts. B. The nature of the merchandise and services the retailer will offer to satisfy the needs of the target market. C. How the retailer will build a long-term advantage over its competitors. D. Break-even point for making profits E. All of the above Difficulty: Easy Type: Application46. (p. 18) When developing the _________________ for his new barber shop, Theo decided to obtain a long-term competitive advantage over other salons by offering longer hours, better prices, a well trained staff and half-price perm day every Wednesday to attract customers. A. selling concept B. business cycle C. retail strategy D. focal point orientation E. marketing concept A retail strategy statement identifies the target market, the merchandise and services, and how the retailer will build a long-term advantage over its competitors. All three of these elements are present in the question. Difficulty: Medium Type: Application47. (p. 18) As the owner of a store specializing in men's suits, Isabella can use a retail strategy statement to identify all of the following EXCEPT: A. the advertising campaign developed to sell last season's merchandise B. the shop's target market C. how the store will build a competitive advantage over Men's Warehouse D. what services the shop will offer its customers E. what types of suits the store will stock A retail strategy has to do with planning for the future and not focusing on a short-term problem. Difficulty: Hard Type: Application48. (p. 0) Which of the following strategies has JCPenney changed to compete effectively with the competition in the past? A. JCPenney centralized merchandise management. B. JCPenney is building new stores off the mall. C. JCPenney is designing stores with centralized checkout. D. JCPenney now ships merchandise through distribution centers. E. JCPenney is upgrading its merchandise offering by adding France's cosmetics Sephora. F. All of the above Difficulty: Medium Type: Comprehension49. (p. 21) To implement a retail strategy, a retailer must develop a _____ that satisfies the needs of its target market better than its competitors. A. production orientation B. horizontal integration C. sales orientation. D. retail mix. E. situation analysis The retail mix is the combination of factors that satisfies customers' needs. The others are not used for this purpose. Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension50. (p. 21) Once a we ll-articulated retail strategy has been developed, the next step is to: A. override the control mechanism B. evaluate the results of the strategy C. forecast future environmental trends D. confirm that environmental conditions have not changed E. implement the strategy Once the strategy is developed, the next logical step is implementation.Nothing would get accomplished if a retailer repeatedly went back to step 1 as in Alternatives C and D. The final stage in the process is the evaluation of the strategy. Overriding the control mechanism would not be a good idea in any case. Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension51. (p. 21) The combination of factors retailers use to satisfy customer needs and influence their purchase decisions is called the firm's: A. retailing conglomerate B. retail mix C. marketing strategy D. target group E. none of the above Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition52. (p. 21) Which of the following is part of a retailer's retail mix? A. advertising B. displays C. train ed salespeople D. services offered E. all of the above All of the choices are elements within the retail mix. Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition53. (p. 21) Which of the following is NOT an element in the retail mix? A. competitive response B. merchandise assortments C. location D. customer service E. advertising and promotion The elements of the retail mix include customer service, store design and display, advertising and promotion, location, assortments and pricing. Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition54. (p. 21) Which of the following parts of the retail mix can be utilized by a small hardware store? A. bright lighting in the store, which makes it easier to read the messages B. a new ad campaign that uses both radio and newspaper media C. store location next door to a hospital D. attractive point-of-purchase displays at the ends of the store's aisles E. all of the above Store design, location, and advertising programs are all part of the retail mix. Difficulty: Medium Type: Applicati on55. (p. 23) What are the principles governing the behavior of the individual and the company? A. ethics B. retail strategy C. training guidelines D. company culture E. Civil Rights Act of 1964 Difficulty: Easy Type: Definition56. (p. 23) Belinda is a swimwear buyer for a major department store. She will allow vendors to purchase her lunch at the local coffee shop when they visit. One October, she dined with a new vendor to discuss a progressive line of men's swimwear that is popular in resorts throughout the Caribbean. Belinda's goal was to assess the assortments for her company in order to see if the product was a good fit for the company brand. During lunch, the vendor invited Belinda for an all-expense paid weekend trip to Jamaica to see the popularity of the merchandise. His goal was to enable her to make a more educated decision when buying. Belinda hesitated to accept because of: A. personal and professional ethics B. the scheduling of the buy for the spring season C. the pr ice of the exclusive merchandise would not match the income level of her target market D. the manufacturer would be unable to develop the line in time for spring E. her inability as a buyer to alter the visual merchandising for the store Difficulty: Medium Type: Application Essay Questions57. (p. 7) What is the retailer's role in a supply chain? The retailer's role in the distribution channel is to link manufacturers with onsumers by directing their efforts to satisfying the needs of the ultimate consumers. Difficulty: Medium58. (p. 8) List the four functions performed by retailers. The four functions performed by retailers are (1) providing an assortment of products and services, (2) breaking bulk, (3) holding inventory, and (4) providing services. Difficulty: Easy59. (p. 8) With manufacturers legally able to sell direct from the factories, why should retailers exist? In the retailing distribution channel, there are occasions when manufacturers sell directly to the ultimate consume r. While occasionally doing so, manufacturers mainly exist to manufacture products to satisfy the needs of a wholesaler or retailer. Retailers exist because they direct their efforts and specialize in satisfying only the customer's needs. Retailers exist because they increase the value consumers receive. Difficulty: Medium60. (p. 16) Distinguish between intratype competition and intertype competition. Give an example of each. Intratype competition refers to the competition between retailers with the same format. An example would be the competition between Publix and BiLo for sale of fresh salmon. Intertype competition refers to retailers that sell similar merchandise using different formats. An example would be the sale of Revlon Color-Stay Lipstick between CVS and Target. Difficulty: Easy61. (p. 16) Why would a Walgreens add novelty gifts, fresh bread, pre-wrapped sandwiches and milk to its product mix? Walgreens is engaging in scrambled merchandising. They have added these product s; and therefore, appeal more to a broader group of customers, while providing one-stop shopping for our time-starved society. Difficulty: Medium62. (p. 16) A chef wants to open an Italian restaurant in the suburbs of a large city. How should she identify the competition? This question can have a variety of responses, but she could first look at the obvious and identify other Italian restaurants near her location. Is her location the best? She should consider frozen Italian entrees at nearby grocery stores. She should also consider the prices of the entrees she offers and compare them to the prices of other types of restaurants. Difficulty: Medium63. (p. 17) Why do retailers consider customers important when developing a retail strategy? Retailers need to understand customers and how they are changing so that they can better satisfy their needs. Retailers need to know and understand why customers shop, how they select stores and how they select from that store's merchandise. Difficu lty: Medium64. (p. 18) What are the three things identified by a retail strategy statement? (1) The target market toward which the retailer will direct its efforts, (2) the nature of the merchandise and services the retailer will offer to satisfy the needs of the target market, and (3) how the retailer will build a long-term advantage over its competitors. Difficulty: Medium65. (p. 18) Why is location strategy important for both consumers and for competitive reasons? 1) Location is typically the most important characteristic consumers consider when selecting a store. (2) A good location creates a long-term advantage over the competition. Difficulty: Medium66. (p. 19) The success of discount stores poses a growing threat for JCPenney. To compete effectively with these retailers, the company instituted some radical changes. Discuss four changes the company made and how JCPenney expects the changes to better satisfy its target market. (1) JCPenney is reducing its distribution costs by shipping merchandise through its distribution centers rather than using direct delivery from vendors to stores. 2) JCPenney centralized merchandise management. Rather than having sore managers make merchandise decisions, merchandise decisions are made by JCPenney buyers in the corporate headquarters to save costs and respond quicker. (3) To increase customer convenience, JCPenney is building new stores off the mall. (4) To increase convenience, the company is also installing centralized checkout counters in each area of the store. Difficulty: Medium Fill in the Blank Questions67. (p. 7) Renting a tuxedo, the purchase of a DVD on Amazon. om, buying a Ronco Veg-O-Matic after watching an infomercial, and getting a facial are all examples of ________ activities–the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer. retailing Difficulty: Easy68. (p. 7) A _____ is a business that sells products and services to ultimate consumers. retailer Difficulty: Easy69. (p. 7) Retailers are the final business in a distribution channel that link __________ to consumers. manufacturers Difficulty: Easy70. (p. 7) A _____________ is a set of businesses that move products from the point of production to the point of sale to the ultimate consumer. distribution channel Difficulty: Easy71. (p. 7) When a retailer like L. L. Bean designs merchandise as well as sells the merchandise, _________ is occurring. vertical integration Difficulty: Medium72. (p. 8) By providing assortments, breaking bulk, holding inventory, and providing services, retailers increase the ___________ consumers receive from their products and services. value Difficulty: Medium73. (p. 9) _______________ describes the voluntary actions taken by a company to address the ethical, social, and environmental impacts of its business operations and the concerns of its stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility Difficulty: Easy74. (p. 6) When Austin saw pastries and coffee at his local bookstore, he knew it was an e xample of __________, which is the juxtaposition of unrelated merchandise in the store. scrambled merchandise Difficulty: Medium75. (p. 16) Scrambled merchandising increases _______, which occurs between retailers that sell similar merchandise using different formats, such as specialty and discount stores. intertype competition Difficulty: Medium76. (p. 19) The philosophy, strategies, programs and systems that focus on identifying and building loyalty with a retailer's most valued customers are called _______________. customer relationship management Difficulty: Medium77. (p. 23) _________ are the principles governing the behavior of individuals and companies. Ethics Difficulty: Easy Short Answer Questions78. (p. 8) Best Buy purchases many of the CD's, Playstation 2 games, DVD's and DVD players by the truckload then sells them in smaller quantities to its stores where consumers are allowed to buy them one at a time. What business function is Best Buy performing? breaking bulk Diffic ulty: Medium79. (p. 8) Costco buys directly from manufacturers. They have merchandise shipped to their warehouses for storage, and then distribute the merchandise to their stores. What term is used to describe this type of activity? vertical integration Difficulty: Medium80. (p. 14) Which retailer had its humble beginnings in rural Arkansas and now is the largest retailer in the world? Wal-Mart Difficulty: Easy81. (p. 15) What is the first step in the retail management decision process? getting an understanding of the world of retailing Difficulty: Medium82. (p. 16) When is the intensity of competition between retail stores the greatest? when they are involved in intratype competition Difficulty: Medium83. (p. 16) What type of merchandising increases intertype competition? crambled merchandising Difficulty: Medium84. (p. 18) The Aviary is a pet shop that focuses on birds and their accoutrements for bird lovers. The shop carries cages, perches, toys and even gourmet seed and dried fr uits. It sponsors a bird club where members can bring their pets to share with other bird lovers. The store provides an inexpensive veterinary service. It even has a 3-month guarantee when you purchase a bird. The Aviary has created loyalty from its customers and continuously attracts new ones because of the services offered. What does this describe? It describes the store's retailing strategy. The paragraph describes the target market, the merchandise and services and how it maintains a strategic advantage over competitors. Difficulty: Hard85. (p. 19) Why do retailers use point of sale (POS) terminals to read Universal Product Codes (UPC) and electronic data interchange (EDI) to send sales and inventory information from computer to computer? These technologies allow retailers to have a better idea of what is selling and a way to quickly communicate that information to vendors so that replenishment can quickly occur. Additionally it gives the retailer a competitive advantage over re tailers that do not work with current supply chain management systems. Difficulty: Hard86. (p. 23) When making the strategic and tactical decisions managers need to consider the effects of their decisions on the profitability of their firms and the satisfaction of their customers. What other implications must managers consider as a result of their decisions? ethical and legal implications Difficulty: Hard
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