Monday, January 27, 2020
Effect of Ph and Glucose on Plant Growth
Effect of Ph and Glucose on Plant Growth Abstract: An experiment was designed and conducted to investigate the population growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under various environment conditions such as temperature, pH levels and glucose concentration. The research questions were then arrived as: What is the effect of differing temperatures on Saccharomyces cerevisiae population growth? What is the effect of differing pH levels on Saccharomyces cerevisiae population growth? What is the effect of differing glucose concentrations on Saccharomyces cerevisiae population growth? The different temperatures were chosen based on kinetics and each temperature differing from the other by at least 10oC, so a notable change in the yeast population to be observed. Two of the temperatures chosen were below the optimum temperature and two above and one in the optimum temperature. Based on the optimum pH levels for the growth of the yeast, certain buffers with two pH values above and two below of the optimum pH and one in the optimum pH were prepared and stored. The glucose concentration that was used in cultures which tested for the effect of temperature and pH was chosen in such a way that would enable the yeast population to grow without limitation as far as glucose is concerned. One of the options for testing the effect of glucose over the yeast growth was the absence of glucose from the culture. The other options were to halve the optimum glucose concentration and the last was higher of the optimum value. When testing the different temperatures, the results showed that there was little growth in relative low and high temperatures and very high growth in the optimum temperature (the population almost quadrupled). In the different pH levels the yeast growth was little in low and high pH levels but was increased as pH was reaching the optimum pH. In the case of different glucose concentrations, the results showed that with no glucose in the culture was a small growth; in the glucose concentration of halve of the optimum value there was growth but again less than the optimum; in the glucose concentration above optimum there was very high growth as there was in the optimum value. Chapter 1: Introduction Research Questions: What is the effect of differing temperatures on Saccharomyces cerevisiae population growth? What is the effect of differing pH levels on Saccharomyces cerevisiae population growth? What is the effect of differing glucose concentrations on Saccharomyces cerevisiae population growth? The yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a single celled fungus that reproduces asexually by budding or division. It is one of the most well studied eukaryotic model organisms in both molecular and cell biology. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is maybe the most important and used fungus in the history of the world even from ancient times because of its use in the brewing of beer and in rising of dough in bread. That is the reason why is called brewers yeast and bakers yeast, due to the use of different strains of Saccharomyces for the alcoholic and sugar fermentation. S. cerevisiae is a very good type of yeast for biological studies owing to the rapid growth (doubling time 1.5-2 hours at 30  °C), the dispersed cells and the ease of replica planting. Moreover is a non-pathogenic organism, so can be handled fearlessly with only little precautions. Also large amounts of commercial bakers yeast are available with result being an easy and cheap source for biochemical studies. S. cerevisiae has round to ovoid cells between 3-8ÃŽÂ ¼m in diameter Respiration: In biology, respiration is defined as: the process by which the energy in food molecules is made available for an organism to do biological work (Kent, 2000; p.100). It is also called Cellular respiration. This process of cellular respiration happens in every living cell as it is the only way to obtain energy in a form that will be usable for the cell, so it can carry out the functions of movement, growth and reproduction (ibid). The food in yeasts must be obtained as they cannot produce it on their own. For yeasts, a very good source of energy is sugars. All strains of S. cerevisiae can metabolize glucose (a hexose sugar), maltose and trehalose. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP): Adenosine Triphospate known also as ATP is the form of chemical energy that cells use to carry out biological activities. Without ATP an organism cant survive. During cell respiration the energy that is found in food molecules is transformed to ATP (Kent, 2000; p.100). Types of Respiration: There are two main types of respiration that take place within a cell: Anaerobic respiration (without oxygen) and Aerobic respiration (with oxygen). S. cerevisiae can metabolize sugars in both ways, but in this research the cultures of yeast were exposed to air hence to oxygen, so aerobic respiration was mainly the way that yeast cells grew and reproduced. Aerobic Respiration: Aerobic respiration is a complex process which involves different steps of reactions and its purpose is to metabolize food molecules. As these reactions take place and food is broken down, energy is released which is then used to synthesize ATP from ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate (Kent, 2000; p.101). These reactions are carried out by special enzymes. There are the three major metabolic stages in aerobic respiration: glycolysis (which is also part of anaerobic respiration), Krebs cycle, electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Krebs cycle: The central phase of the aerobic respiration and occurs in the mitochondrial matrix. It involves the production of acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) (Kent, 2000; p.104). Electron Transport Chain: It involves the highest production of ATP during respiration, meaning the 90% of ATP is produced in this stage. This metabolic stage occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane (Greenwood. et al. 2007; p.127). Glycolysis: Cell respiration has to do with the production of ATP by the oxidation of sugars, fats or other substrates. In this research as substrate was used glucose. When glucose is the substrate, the first metabolic pathway of cell respiration is glycolysis, which is carried out by enzymes in the cytoplasm of the cell. A small amount of ATP is produced in this pathway by the oxidation of glucose. Glycolysis consists part of aerobic and anaerobic respiration because no oxygen is used (Allot, 2007; p.73). Enzymes: Thousands of chemical reactions are carried out within a cell. These reactions most of the times occur in a very slow rate. For that reason living organisms make biological catalysts which are called enzymes and speed up these reactions. Enzymes are globular proteins which act as catalysts of chemical reactions (Allot, 2007; p.18). An enzyme can increase to more than a billion of times the rate of a chemical reaction. Also cells can control which reaction occurs in their cytoplasm by making some enzymes and not others. Enzymes achieve to increase the rate of a reaction by decreasing the activation energy (the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to occur) (Green. Et al. 2008; p.167)of the substrate or the substrates, when binding to the activation site (is the part of the enzymes surface into which the substrate is bound and undergoes reaction) (Greenwood. et al. 2007; p.114) Enzymes are sensitive molecules with very specific structure which enables them to carry out specific reactions. This structure including the active site can be damaged by various conditions and substrates. This damage is called denaturation and is usually permanent for an enzyme and if denaturation is occurred the enzyme can no longer carry out its function. As a result when enzymes are required to catalyze a reaction, is necessary that they have appropriate conditions. It should be remembered that different enzymes have different ideal conditions. The factors that affect the enzyme activity are: the temperature, the pH, the substrate concentration. In a specific point for each of the previous factors, enzymes work in the most effective way, known as optimum conditions. The effect of temperature, pH and substrate concentration upon the enzyme activity which affects the growth of S. cerevisiae yeast cells are studied in this research. Effect of Temperature: As the temperature is increased in an enzyme-catalysed reaction, the rate of reaction is increased up to maximum in a specific temperature. This is called optimum temperature. The optimum temperature of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is 30o- 32oC. In temperatures below of the optimum, when increasing the temperature there is an increase in the kinetic energy of the reactants and there are more frequent collisions between the active site and the substrates, so the activity of the enzymes is increased. The rate still rises as the temperature increases; till it reaches the highest rate where is the optimum temperature hence the highest enzyme activity. Above this temperature the rate starts to drop rapidly. This is due to the high energy that causes vibration inside the enzyme with result the bonds which maintain the structure of enzyme to break. This causes denaturation and the active site can no longer fit the substrate. Overall, at very low temperatures the enzyme activity hence the rate is low due to the low kinetic energy of the substrate but there is no denaturation, at the optimum temperature the rate is the highest and levels off because the increase in kinetic energy of substrate is cancelled out by the denaturation of the enzyme and at high temperatures enzymes are denaturated and the rate falls dramatically because denaturation exceeds the high kinetic energy of the substrates. These are summarized in the following graph. Effect of pH (hydrogen ion concentration): Most of the enzymes operate effectively in a small range of pH values. Between these pH values there is an optimum pH value in which the enzyme activity is the highest. The optimum pH of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is 5.5. Acids and alkalis cause denaturation of the structure of the enzyme by breaking mainly hydrogen and ionic bonds with result the substrate cant fit the active site. Furthermore the charges of the amino acids within the active site are affected by pH changes, so the enzyme is not able to form an enzyme-substrate complex. Above and below the optimum pH the enzymatic activity hence the rate is reduced considerably. Effect of Substrate concentration: In an enzyme-catalysed reaction the rate increases in direct proportion to the substrate concentration. The optimum glucose concentration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is 2%. At low substrate concentrations, the rate of enzymatic activity increases sharply as the substrate increases. This occurs due to the more frequent collisions between the substrate molecules and the unoccupied active sites. On the other hand, at high substrate concentrations the biggest part of the active sites have been occupied with result when increasing the substrate concentration there is little effect on the rate of enzymatic activity. Chapter 2: Methodology Objectives of the study: To determine how the different temperatures affect the growth of population of S. cerevisiae. To determine how the different pH values affect the population growth of S. cerevisiae. To determine how the different glucose concentrations affect the population growth of S. cerevisiae. Hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: The population of S. cerevisiae will grow the most at the optimum temperature, meaning between 28oC to 32oC, and also the population growth at temperatures below the optimum will be higher than the population growth at temperatures above the optimum. Hypothesis 2: In the optimum pH, meaning at low acidic conditions of pH 5.5 to pH 6, there will be the highest S. Cerevisiae yeast cell population growth. At pH levels above and below the optimum pH there will be less growth but this growth level will be relatively of the same degree for the values of pH above and below. Hypothesis 3: In the optimum glucose concentration, meaning about 2% glucose, will occur the highest yeast growth. In the glucose concentration below of the optimum there will be much lower growth, whereas in the absence of glucose there will be almost none yeast growth. Variables: When testing the effect of differing temperatures on S. cerevisiae population growth: Independent variable: Temperature (5o C, 15oC, 30oC, 50oC, 60oC). Dependent variable: Number of S. cerevisiae cells. Controlled variables: 7mL buffer of pH 6 in every test tube, glucose concentration 2mL (2% glucose solution) in every test tube and 1mL yeast (0.02% yeast solution) in every test tube. When testing the effect of differing pH levels: Independent variable: pH (3, 4, 6, 8). Dependent variable: Number of S. cerevisiae cells. Controlled variables: Temperature (30oC), glucose concentration 2mL (2% glucose solution) in every test tube, 7mL buffer in every test tube, 1mL yeast (0.02% yeast solution). When testing the effect of differing glucose concentrations on S. cerevisiae population growth: Independent variable: Glucose concentration (0mL, 1mL, 2mL, 3mL of 2% glucose solution each). Dependent variable: The number of S. cerevisiae cells. Controlled variables: Temperature (30oC), 9mL buffer of pH 6 at 0mL glucose, 8mL buffer of pH 6 at 1mL glucose, 7mL buffer of pH 5.5 at 2mL glucose, 6mL buffer of pH 6 at 3mL glucose, 1mL yeast (0.02% yeast solution) in every test tube. Materials/ Apparatus: Test tubes Burette Micropipettes Pipettes Pipette-fillers Graduated cylinder of 10mL, 250mL and 1000mL Volumetric Flasks of 250mL and 1000mL Funnels Spatula Weight boats Beakers Plastic wash bottles Plastic bottles Cover slip Haemocytometer Microscope Digital multi-log Balance Waterbath Magnetic stirrer Thermometer Ethanol 70% 0.1M Citric acid 0.2M Sodium hydrogen phosphate Distilled water Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Source of yeast: YIOTIS S.A, INDUSTRY OF NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS, ATHENS, GREECE. Procedure: Day 1: The first step before the start of the aerobic fermentation of yeast was to prepare the buffers. For the preparation of buffers of different pH, citric acid (3-carboxy-3-hydroxypentanedioic acid) and sodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4) were used. Four plastic bottles, labeled each with one pH value (3, 4, 6, 8 respectively), were required. 100mL of each of the buffers were prepared. The stock solutions of citric acid and Na2HPO4 firstly prepared. For the preparation of stock solution of citric acid of concentration 0.1M and volume 1L, 19.2g of citric acid and 1L distilled water required. For the preparation of stock solution of Na2HPO4 of concentration 0.2M and volume 1L, 28.4g Na2HPO4 and 1L distilled water required. A balance and a weigh boat required for the measuring of masses. The solutions were added and stored in two volumetric flasks of 1L respectively, which measured the volume of distilled water. Citric acid and Na2HPO4 were added into the flasks with the aid of funnels. The volumes were measured and put into four different plastic bottles by using two burettes of 50mL. The validity of each pH value checked by using a digital multi-log. The next step was to prepare the glucose solution. For the preparation of glucose one volumetric flask of 500mL used to measure the volume of distilled water and to store the glucose solution. 10g of glucose were weighed by using a balance, a weigh boat and a spatula. Half of a 100mL beaker filled with distilled water was used to dissolve the 10g of glucose. A magnetic stirrer used for better dissolution. After glucose was complete dissolved, was added to the 500mL flask using a funnel. The rest of the flask was filled up to 500mL with distilled water. Then, the yeast solution prepared for the purpose of the experiments of that day. Every day a new yeast solution was prepared. For the yeast solution 0.10g of dry yeast were weighted from sachet with a spatula and placed on the weight boat. The yeast was added to a 1000mL volumetric flask filled with 500mL distilled water with the aid of a funnel in order to avoid staking of dry yeast in the cylindrical walls of the flask. Afterwards the solution was swirled by smooth shaking. After everything was ready the experiments for the studying of the effect of differing temperatures on S. cerevisiae growth initiated. Three water baths were prepared and each one adjusted in three different temperatures 30oC, 50oC and 60oC. Each temperature was tested by using a thermometer and a digital multi-log sensor. Two refrigerators were used for the low temperatures and adjusted at 5oC and 15oC. After all temperatures have been reached, the preparation of cultures started. Five test tubes labelled with one temperature each. The cultures were prepared with half an hour difference in order to test the stability of the temperature and to take a sample from each test tube and count the initial population. A pipette of 25mL used to introduce the glucose to the test tube. A 10mL graduated cylinder used to measure the volume of the buffer and then was introduced into the test tube also. Then with another 25mL pipette, 1mL yeast was taken and placed also into the test tube. The yeas t solution was shaken before taking the sample as yeast cells tend to sink to the bottom of the flask due to their weight. Afterwards by using a micropipette, a sample was taken from the culture inside the test tube and placed on haemocytometer and then to the microscope to count the initial population (the cells found in the borders of the chambers were counted). The haemocytometer is a specialised microscopical apparatus used to count cells and other organelles. A haemocytometer consists of two counting chambers. Each chamber consists of an arrangement of squares of different sizes which are used to count easily the cells. These squares of different size form different grid layouts. In the centre of each chamber it is found a grid of squares of 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.1mm dimensions. There is another grid of squares of dimensions 0.25mm 0.25mm 0.1mm, in each of the four corners around the central grid. The grids of squares of 0.25mm 0.25mm 0.1mm dimensions were used for the counting of the yeast cells. A cover slip is placed above the chambers, so the samples are spread equally due to capillary action on the counting area. The test tube was then placed for 24hours in the temperature corresponding to what was labeled. This procedure was the same for the rest four test tubes. In the end of the day the glucose solution 2% was placed in the refrigerator, the 1000mL flask with the yeast solution, the haemocytometer, the cover glass and all the other apparatus was cleaned with ethanol 70% and washed with distilled water and left to dry. The use of 70% ethanol for the cleaning of haemocytometer doesnt have any negative effect on the yeast cells that were place on it to be counted. This happened in the end of every day. Day 2: The next day each test tube was removed with half an hour difference in the order that they were left for fermentation. Then a sample was taken with the use of a micropipette and placed on haemocytometer and again to microscope to count the yeast cells. After finishing with temperature testing the next thing was to study the effect of pH levels on S. cerevisiae population growth. A yeast solution was prepared the same way as Day 1. The glucose solution was removed from the refrigerator. Clean test tubes taken and labeled with different pH values 3, 4, 6, 8. A water bath adjusted at 30oC. Again, every culture was prepared the same way as Day 1 and placed in a test tube with half an hour difference. All test tubes with different pH levels were placed in the same water bath for 24hours. Before each test tube was placed in water bath, a sample was taken to count the initial population of each. Day 3: The cultures were removed in the order that were left to ferment and samples were taken to count the yeast population from each one. Between each measurement the haemocytometer was cleaned as was mentioned in Day 1. Finally, the effect of glucose concentration on yeast population growth was left. New yeast solution was prepared. The water was adjusted at 30oC. In clean test tubes the new cultures were prepared to test the glucose concentrations. The test tubes were labelled each with one concentration value. Samples were taken from each to count the initial population. The cultures were placed in water bath to ferment. Day 4: The cultures were removed from water bath and samples taken to count the yeast population. Weaknesses and Improvements: Weakness Improvement In the populations of yeasts cells that were counted in the microscope, there were both alive and dead cells or denaturated cells. A dye such as methylene blue could be used to determine in each counting the live and the dead or inactive cells. The cells which would remain colorless would indicate enzyme activity and the dead or denaturated cells would be turned into blue. Methylene blue should be used only after the fermentation has finished because it inhibits the yeast cells by consuming the hydrogen ions that are produced during respiration. The test tubes, where the yeast cultures were left for fermentation, were slightly closed on the top with cotton in order to prevent the entrance of other microorganisms. This cotton plug prevented the easy flow of fresh air (containing oxygen) inside the test tube. This limited the availability of oxygen supply that the yeasts required in order to grow aerobically. The test tubes can be placed to ferment aerobically in a closed container such as BioFlo 3000. This kind of bio processing systems provide a wide range of options that enables the researcher to adjust a standard air flow which includes different options of certain proportions oxygen ggand air which can respond to oxygen-demanding yeasts or any other microorganism. There was absence of some basic element sources in every yeast culture that are necessary for better fermentation conditions such nitrogen and phosphorus sources. Lack of such sources lead to relatively low cell growth comparing to the growth that could be achieved without the absence of such elements. Bacto-peptone can be used as an organic nitrogen source. Yeast extract makes available many bio nutrients required for the fermentation of yeast cells. It also provides essential water soluble vitamins, amino acids, peptides and carbohydrates. Chapter 3: Data Collection and Processing Calculation of cell concentration In order to calculate the cell concentration for each factor, the comperative mean values, which are displayed above, were used. These mean values were applied to the following formula which enables to convert counted cells into cell concentration: In the above formula, C is the viable cells/mL, N is the counted cells, D is the dilution factor and 103 is the haemocytometer correction factor. An example with the application of the formula of cell concentration for the factor of temperature at 5oC and after 24 hours of fermentation is shown below: In the case of 24 hours of fermentation at temperature at 5oC, the viable counted cells, N=34.25, the dilution factor, D=1. In all experiments, when testing the different factors, the dilution factor is always one (D=1). Representation of calculated data of cell concentrations Tables of cell conentration (cells/mL) for the differing temperature values: Table with the initial population: Temperatures()  ±0.5 Cells/mL (Chamber 1, Chamber 2) (counted cells) Standard Deviation Table with the 24 hours fermented population: Temperatures()  ±0.5 Cells/mL (Chamber 1, Chamber 2) (counted cells) Standard Deviation Tables of cell conentration (cells/mL) for the differing pH levels: Table with the initial population: pH Cells/mL (Chamber 1, Chamber 2) (counted cells) Standard Deviation Table with the 24 hours fermented population: pH Cells/mL (Chamber 1, Chamber 2) (counted cells) Standard Deviation Tables of cell conentration (cells/mL) for the differing glucose concentrations: Table with the initial population: Glucose 2% concentrations (mL) Cells/mL (Chamber 1, Chamber 2) (counted cells) Standard Deviation Table with the 24 hours fermented population: Glucose 2% concentrations (mL) Cells/mL (Chamber 1, Chamber 2) (counted cells) Standard Deviation Chapter 4: Analysis and Interpretation 4.1 Graphs The data that is used for the sketching of the graphs is shown in chapter 3, in Data Processing, Representation of calculated data of cell concentrations. The respective table values were used for each of the factors. The software that was used for the sketching of the graphs is, Graph 4.3 (Ivan Johansen, 2007). effect of Temperature on S. cerevisiae population growth The effect of pH on S. cerevisiae population growth The effect of substrate Glucose concentration on S. cerevisiae population growth 4.2 Interpretation Testing Hypothesis 1: Comparing the different temperatures that the S. cerevisiae population left to grow, it can be seen based on both the cell concentration and the graph, that below 30oC the of the population grows rapidly as the temperature increases; the yeast population almost doubles when temperature increases from 5oC to 15oC and almost triples when temperature increases from 15oC to 30oC . Above 30oC the growth of the population is highly decreased; yeast population becomes almost 3.5 times less when temperature increases from 30oC to 50oC and when temperature increases from 50oC to 60oC the population decreases very slightly. As a result, the highest S. cerevisiae population growth is observed at 30oC. Consequently this should be the optimum temperature. Moreover, as temperature below the optimum point increases the population increases more from its initial value than it does at temperatures above the optimum point. Overall the hypothesis confirmed. Testing Hypothesis 2: Evaluating the yeast population growth at the different pH levels, it can be seen that the increase of population above and below the value of pH 6 is almost the same. The fact that at pH 6 it is observed the highest population growth implies that this is the optimum pH level. The lowest growth is observed at pH 3 and pH 8. In these specific pH levels the growth is slightly higher at pH 8 (population increases approximately 1.7 times) than it is at pH 3 (population increases approximately 1.3 times). The growth is higher in pH 8 as it is closer to the optimum pH. At pH 4 the increase in population is almost the same as it is at pH 8. Both pH 4 and pH 8 differ by 2 pH levels from the optimum level but the yeast population at pH 4 increases approximately 1.982 times where at pH 8 the population increases 1.7 times. This shows that S. cerevisiae operates better at acidic conditions. Overall the hypothesis is confirmed. Testing Hypothesis 3: Analysing the growth of S. cerevisiae at different glucose concentrations and for 24 hours of fermentation, the results obtained show that in the absence of glucose from the culture the yeast population didnt increase at all. The only increase that was observed from its initial population was 1.091.1 times, meaning that this 0.1 increase may have occurred due to the capacity of energy within the yeast cells. At 1% glucose concentration it was observed sufficient growth. The yeast population almost doubled from its initial value (increased approximately by 1.8 times). In higher glucose concentration the yeast cells population respond greater and as a result a higher population growth was observed. The initial population increased 3.9 times, meaning that almost quadrupled. In even higher glucose concentrations the population increased highly again but not enough so to be able to say that at 24 hours of fermentation S. cerevisiae requires more energy to reach the maximum replication cap acity. The population increased 3.954.00 times, almost the same of that of 2% concentration. Moreover, based on the graph plotted for glucose concentrations, it can be seen that after 2% glucose concentration the yeast population reaches plateau without any further increase. So the limiting growth glucose concentration is at 2%. Overall the hypothesis is confirmed.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Mark Edmundson’s Critique
Critique: Our Views of Online Education In Mark Edmundson's article discussing online education, he makes many valid points about an online education short comings. His reaction, however, is based solely on traditional education and is limited to such online study. He focuses primarily on student teacher interaction and oftentimes states how such communication cannot be factored into online courses. He argues that a large lecture course with face to face contact and student teacher dialogue benefits the student more; opposed to online courses with contrasting features.While this is valid, Edmundson does not consider that these issues can be worked around and that there are many pros to online education as well. Edmundson’s passage states teacher-student interaction is vital in obtaining an education. This particular form of contact has proven to keep students engaged in the learning process. Also, teacher-student interaction allows for teachers to monitor each individual stude nts’ progressions and shortcomings throughout the course of study.In Edmundson's article, he states that teachers should make it necessary to learn who their students are and adapt to their ways of learning as well as helping them grow. I strongly agree with this point of view. Many times, students who are having a hard time grasping studies find themselves somewhat bashful or embarrassed and become hesitant to speak up. This causes them to be outshined by others who may be more vocal and grasp the information quicker. Having that teacher-student connection with online education is extremely vital. Since you're not studying in a traditional classroom, you'll also miss having face time with other students.This can deprive you of important networking opportunities for your future career, as well as basic social interaction. The article states that Edmundson is adamant that in order for students to excel and obtain information, a teacher should be adaptive to their students lear ning style. Having real life courses are extremely helpful in this case. Individuals who are more comfortable with one on one meetings should totally be allotted the option of having a professor on hand to call on and meet with. Also, students who adapt more to group learning need real courses as well.Having course mates and interacting in open course discussions are great examples of the benefits of teacher-student interaction. It is also proven that students can; in fact, teach teachers. Open course discussions are the perfect time to share. When studying an appointed topic, some students go above and beyond the requirements and obtain additional knowledge that the teacher or students may or may not know. Edmundson makes several valid points about being opposed to online education. He speaks volumes about the pros of choosing a traditional, face to face education.In some ways, I agree with his argument that not having that interaction amongst the teacher and student kills the stud ents chance of receiving fair education. However, I disagree with some other things he stated. What Edmundson fails to consider is the mere fact that online teachers carry the same capabilities as traditional teachers. Students’ progress can still be monitored, test and other assignments can still be administered and in the end, grades will still be obtained. Although there is no physical connection, the online teacher can still communicate and work online with their students’ via-email and lectures.The downside of email communication is that delay time in an answer being received. There are some online schools which have courses with virtual lectures or conference lectures which give an overall classroom feeling where there is dialogue. In my opinion, online college instructors gain access to students that is at least equal to the access to students of those instructors who are teaching courses in traditional colleges. Online colleges also serve as an alternative for some aspiring students who cannot attend traditional colleges.These may be students who have encountered hardships that eliminate their option to attend a traditional school. Online schools may, in this case, serve as an alternative; online college may be more convenient. Aspiring students seeking to pursue or further their education may be wrapped up in day to day chaos that enables them to reach a campus and online courses just may fit with their busy schedules. In some cases, lack of transportation may be a rendering factor as well. Another riveting factor may be monetary situations; online colleges may have courses that are more affordable than those of a traditional university.Edmundson's article was captivating and indeed informative. He metaphorically spoke of a teacher being taught by a student which caught my attention. Had that teacher ever been that student? It's a cycle that I'm sure will not end. A degree is in fact the goal. Whether it's online schools or â€Å"real l ife†a degree is sought. Teachers and students, in my opinion, should at some point in time have some sort of physical communication but that is not that a vital source of learning. If an education is sought it can be obtained regardless of any physical contact. The source of education ultimately depends on the students drive and initiative.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Women Education in India
Women`s education in India has been one of the major issues of concern of the Government of India as well as the society at large. It is because of the fact that today the educated women play a very significant role in overall development and progress of the country. Women hold a prominent position in the Indian society as well as all over the world. However, since the prehistoric times women were denied opportunities and had to suffer for the hegemonic masculine ideology.Thus, this unjustifiable oppression had resulted into a movement that fought to achieve the equal status of women all over the world. Women Education in India is the consequence of such progress and this led to the tremendous improvement of women`s condition through out the world. Nevertheless eradication of female illiteracy is considered as a major concern today. In the recent era, the Indian society has established a number of institutions for the educational development of women and girls.These educational insti tutions aim for immense help and are concerned with the development of women. Women`s Education in Ancient India In ancient India, women and girls received less education than men. This was due to the set social norms. Interestingly,in the Vedic period women had access to education, but gradually they had lost this right. Women education in ancient India prevailed during the early Vedic period. In addition to that Indian scriptures Rig Veda and Upanishads mention about several women sages and seers.Women enjoyed equivalent position and rights in the early Vedic era. However, after 500 B. C, the position of women started to decline. The Islamic invasion played a vital role in restricting freedom and rights of the women. A radical change attended and there was a terrific constraint for Women education in India. Women`s Education in Medieval India Women education in medieval India further deteriorated with the introduction of Purdah system. Different customs and conventions of diverse religions like Hindu, Islam, and Christian further deteriorated the state of women in the country.A range of socio religious movements contributed to the development of women literacy in the country. Many leaders took several initiatives to make education available to the women of India. The ordered form of women education in India was incorporated in the early centuries of the Christian era. Women`s Education in Colonial India The position of the women education in India revived with the invasion of the British in the country and with the advent of Bhakti movement. The colonial period also introduced the institutional form of imparting learning.Women education in Colonial India witnessed an essential expansion. Various movements were launched to make women of the country literate. Furthermore, this progress journeyed through the years and influenced the modern Indian education system. Women`s Education in Modern India Women Education in Modern India is traced back to the years afte r the independence of the country. In the present times, the government of India takes measures to provide education to all women of the country. Women literacy rate seemingly rose in the modern days.Women education in India became a compulsory concern and female literacy has gone higher that male literacy. At present, the constitution of India guarantees free primary school education for both boys and girls up to age 14. Education in India plays a vital role in the overall development of the country. This proves that educated women promote education in their family. Further, learned women can also help in the lessening of child death rate and expansion of population. In the modern era, women education is the replica of a Vedic model for instructive inspiration. Women Education in India Introduction: The men and the women are the two wheels of the society. If one of the two falls defective, the society cannot make progress. Hence we need education for the females as we need for the males. Advantages: The female education is highly necessary for the society. Because mothers are the first teachers of the children. They are the first teachers of the future citizens of the country. If the mothers be ignorant, they cannot take proper care of the children. They cannot infuse good qualities in them. Hence, the very foundation of our people will remain weak, if the females will be ignorant the society will lose the services of a powerful part of our society. So, female education is quite necessary for the girls. The women are in no way inferior to men. In western countries the women are writing books, driving cars and aero-planes, running banks and big business firms and doing research in the laboratory. There are women scientists, women officers and women writers. The typewriters, the news agents, the sales agents the commercial solicitors are mostly women. Hence, we cannot decry the women-folk in our country. Disadvantages: But the female education has some disadvantages too. It is found in Europe and America that the educated women do not want to bear children. They do not like their children. They leave them in the nursery, more out of their disgust than for any other reason. But the defect does not lie in education as a principle. The defect lies in the curriculums. If they learn what the males learn then naturally they will like to be like males. So, separate courses of study should be prepared for the females. Present position: Indians are conservative by nature. So, their blind faith and age old superstition stood against the female education. Now, people have felt the virtue of female education. The do not hesitate to send their daughters to schools. Now in India we find women professors, lady doctors, lady scientists, lady politicians and lady ministers. But a large number of women are still in dark. They should be educated in the interest of our national progress. conclusion: India is now optimistic in the field of female education. We had the female philosophers like Gargi, Maritreyi and Viswabara in the Vedic age. We had Mirabai, Ahalyabi, Durgabati and Laxmibai in the days of history. They were all learned. Hence, we had a great tradition during the days of our degeneration. Now, we have revived. So, we will certainly revive the female education in India.
Friday, January 3, 2020
My High School Health Teacher Essay - 915 Words
Watching a person deteriorate from who he or she once was is an incredibly difficult thing to endure. Brightness fades, quips become more tame, and sparks fizzle out. When my high school health teacher was diagnosed with breast cancer, she seemed to wane altogether as she became weighed down with depression. Mrs. Garfield was a staple of Cardozo High School. The rowdy health teacher was well known by the entire staff and all of the students. Her presence rivaled thunder; her cackling laugh could be heard from across the building and she initially imposed anxiety in new students. A polarizing force, Mrs. Garfield left students either loving or hating her. However, on June 5th, 2011, Mrs. Garfield made an announcement that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Time seemed to stand still and the school grew silent. I remember seeing nearly everyone with red eyes throughout the day as we all tried to cope with such shocking news. Even my friend Robert, whose affection for Mrs. Garfield was usually absent, grieved for her diagnosis. Robert’s mother was diagnosed with cancer when he was much younger, but fortunately she beat it and is now cancer free. Robert had Mrs. Garfield’s health class the period after I did, so I would always see him in the hallway and talk briefly with him. Robert was almost always obnoxiously happy and upbeat. However, on this day, he was despondent with memories parallel to his mother’s diagnosis. I remember he passed swiftly throughShow MoreRelatedMy Teacher As A Good Teacher846 Words  | 4 PagesWhen my teacher assigned our new essay, I felt as this one might be a bit of a struggle. I was too busy worrying about my SAT and I kept having second thoughts about what I planned to do. Then, I remembered how terrible my school teachers were and decided why not just write about that. Throughout my school life I’ve encountered many teachers who I would consider to be bad teachers. 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