Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Decision Making and Problem Solving Management
Question: Describe about the Report for Decision Making and Problem Solving Management. Answer: Introduction: Any kind of a management upheaval has to be taken into serious consideration, as there is no gain stating the fact that it is something that is symptomatic of a business that has not only lost its way, but is also heading towards his decline. Woolworths, established in the year of1924, is one of the most recognized and trusted organizations of Australia. Since its inception, the organization has swiftly emerged to grow the second largest organization in Australia, in terms of profitability and revenue earning capacity (Bal et al. 2013). However, since the year of 2009, the profitability of the organization has been witnessing a steady decline, that in turn is posing a serious threat to the future sustainability of the organization. In the words of brand consultants like Mumbrella, and market research experts, the organization at present, though has its own strategy, it is unable to discover the way of fighting back to the leading position, it once was holding. Hence, it is highly imp erative to discover, and evaluate the management problem/s underlying the abrupt downfall of the organization (Mishra et al. 2014). Management Problem: An organization in order to be successful is not only required to formulate effective and innovative strategies, the implementation of which can bring organizational success, but it must be able to successfully engage its employees for the accomplishment of the same. It has been observed that Woolworths is unable to engage its employees in a systematic and organized manner. The organization undoubtedly keeps on introducing fresh, novel and highly innovative ideas, yet the organization is unable to communicate and thereby motivate the employees to implement the ideas (Mone and London 2014). Woolworths is not only required to reward its employees through training programs, but it must motivate them to engage themselves in the process of bringing back the lost organizational success. The organization lacks in providing feedback, setting up regular goals before the employees and communicating the importance of the same, as a result of which the employees are ending up having any meaningf ul goal that can motivate them to accomplish the task. As a result of lack of interactive sessions, the management authority has failed to define the goals and the strategies of the organization in an effective way (Menguc et al. 2013). Consequently, the employees are unable to comprehend the relevance of the projects and task allotted to them. It should be noted here that the management of an organization must be able to chalk out and clearly define the goals and objectives before the employees, so that each of the employees is capable of aligning the organizational strategy and mission, with their own personal gains and interests. The organization requires not only setting up goals, but should also offer lucrative benefits to the employees so as to motivate them to accomplish the tasks. The management authority of Woolworths focuses too much on the training and scholarship programs, depriving the employees of work-life balance, flexible schedules, or attractive incentive schemes t hat will help them retain the employees (Freedland et al. 2016). Research Questions: The research questions that the present research intends to examine are as follows: Is Woolworths defining the goals and objectives to the employees by organizing regular discussion meetings and interactive sessions? Does the authority of Woolworths arrange seminars and workshops that can motivate the employees to actively participate in the process of implementation of the strategies of the company? Is the organization introducing and implementing sufficient number of incentive programs in order to encourage the employees? Does the organization rely on a robust communication plan to get the feedback of the employees? Research Program: A research is required to be conducted as it helps in evaluating and critically analyzing the research problems in a systematic as well as organized manner. In order to understand whether Woolworths is unable to motivate and thereby engage its employees in an effective manner, the research has been conducted. As part of the research method, the qualitative method of data collection is being employed. The qualitative method of research has been employed, as it helps in gaining a comprehensive insight into the problem, as this methodological approach helps in comprehending an exploring the totality of the situation, which in turn helps in assessing the problem much conveniently (Soy et al. 2015). For this reason, literature review and interview are the two components of the research method that are being used. It is to be noted here that the journals and recently published articles helps in understanding and evaluating problem more accurately, thereby facilitating the reflexivity, as t he personal goals and assumed beliefs can be cross checked with the content of the reflexive journals and articles. Again, at the same time, the use of structured interviews is highly beneficial as it helps in investigating the response of the managers and the employees of Woolworths (Nuttin 2014). Data Collection: The data has been collected from secondary sources, such as academic journals and literary articles, as well as from primary sources, through the organization of structured interview sessions (Smith 2015). A variety of articles and scholarly papers were being assessed and evaluated to assess the importance of employee engagement for the growth of the organization. Literature review provides the opportunity of understanding the relation between employee engagement and organizational success, with reference to a variety of internationally recognized organizations, such as Google, Wesmayers, Microsoft, and many more. In addition to this, two sessions of structured interview was arranged (Silverman 2016). The first session of interview was organized with the purpose of learning the motivational strategies, and employee engagement plans adopted by the management authority of the organization, and hence the interviewees interviewed were the five managers of the organization, out of which 2 were the Human Resource managers, while the remaining 3 were the General Managers. On the other hand, in the second session of the interview, the employees were being asked about what kind of motivational strategy they wish to be adopted by Woolworths that can engage them, and increase their productivity and efficiency. For this reason, 20 employees were being selected and interviewed and their response was recorded for estimating the issues from an in-depth perspective. Data Analysis: According to Andrew Carnegie, for any organization to succeed and prosper, must aim at capturing the heart of the employee, before his brain. An organization can succeed only if the employees are willing to actively participate in and contribute to the process of organizational success. This is the reason, why large organizations such as Wesmayers, Google, Disney, Coles, and others, have introduced attractive benefits and quirky employee perks, to help the employees stay motivated (Lăzăroiu 2015). The organizations in order to sustain it in future, must adopt employee engagement methods that aids the organization in the attraction as well as retention of talented workforce. According to a research, great career advancement opportunity, swift promotions, and a clearly chalked out strategy, are the three areas that the employees look forward to, while working in an organization. Further, from the interview sessions, held on Woolworths managers, the human resource managers were recorded stating that the organization focuses and invests an enormous sum of money on training programs, and scholarship programs, such as the Jack Shewmaker Program, that offers career growth opportunities to the employees. However, the organization has not yet introduced other perks and amenities, such as health insurance schemes for the injured workers, gym discounts, health check-up facilities, on-site medical facilities or free food. The interview with the general managers showed that the organization does not hold regular meetings or interactive sessions, meant for helping the employees comprehend the relevance of their job roles, or providing them with the feedback, positive or negative, of the management authority of Woolworths. On the other hand, 15 employees working at Woolworths complained that despite the career development opportunities, they are unable to stay motivated owing to the lack of flexible working schedule and promotional opportunities provided by the organization (Azeem 2016). Further, 18 employees claimed that though the salary package offered at the beginning is sufficient for a fresher, with the passing of years, there is hardly any increment, despite the increasing workload. 10 employees reported that there is a huge bridge of communication among the employees and the management authority as a result of which the demands and expectations of each group is not clearly explained and comprehended by the other group (Porter et al. 2016). Recommendation: The employees are the real assets of an organization. Woolworths should not only focus on its financial capital, but must also emphasize the importance of its human capital as well. It has been understood from the research that the organization, at present is not focusing sufficiently on the health, well-being and convenience of the employees as a result of which the employees are either working in a directionless way, or are failing to retain their sense of loyalty towards the organization. Hence, the organization is required to hold various interactive sessions and regular meetings in order to daily interact with the employees, and gain an understanding of their demands and expectations from the organization (Choi and Witford 2013). One of the main benefits of regular staff meetings is that it provides time to the employees for reflection and training, and helps the organization explain the strategy and its goals before the employees, while urging them to achieve the same, by stati ng employee benefits as well. The managers of Woolworths are required to hold regular staff meetings at short periodical intervals, and will be required to maintain good communication with the employees. The HR mangers of Woolworths are required to hold campaigns, interactive sessions, workshops and seminars, that will help them in regularly interacting with the employees, reviewing and assessing the performance of the employees, and explaining the mission, vision and objectives of Woolworths. These seminars can also throw light on the skills and the professional expertise of the experienced workers, and how their innovative ideas brought about the success of the organization, the interchange of valuable ideas, introduction of appraisal and recognition systems, flexible working schedule can largely influence and motivate the employees, resulting in their active participation (Chaudhari and Sharma 2013). In addition, Woolworths is required to follow the KAB (Knowledge Attitude Behavior) Model, while interacting and dealing with the employees. The organization does nor regularly hold meetings, but it must start holding weekly meetings so that the employees can be made aware of the recent strategies and immediate goals of the organization, or nay kind of change in the strategy proposed, and the explanation behind the same. Once the employees have internalized the knowledge about the present mission of Woolworths, the management authority of the organization must motivate and encourage the employees to accomplish the goals within a given period. Regular interaction with the staffs, announcing rewards, recognition and titles, for the accomplishment of each tasks highly engage and motivate the employees. Once the employee attitude towards the task or a goal is changed, the management authority must review the implementation of the strategies and the contribution of each employee towards t he same. However, for this systematic approach, the managers must ensure the organization of periodical meetings whereby they will be able to gain adequate knowledge about the personal interests, goals, motivating factors of stressors of the employees (Mikkelsenet al. 2015). Woolworths must introduce flexible working schedule for its employees, and can provide work from home option to each individual employee. The organization, it has been observed, does not offer increment opportunity to the old employees, and hence fail to retain talented workforce. Hence, it is advisable that the organization offers standard salary at the start, and gradually starts increasing the salary package so that the employees so not lose motivation after working for a long time in Woolworths. Further, the organization is required to offer long-term benefits, such as sound retirement plan or health insurance, rather than the short term gains, will create a strong sense of loyalty among the employees (Rowley 2014). Conclusion: Motivating the employees is absolutely integral to the successful operation of any business organization. It should be noted that Woolworths has been one of the recognized organizations, that has been able to earn an enormous amount of revenue owing to the willing and active co-operation of the employees However, recently, owing to a huge employee turnover rate, and lack of enthusiasm among the existent workforce, Woolworths has been struggling to sustain its position. The management authority of Woolworths must ensure that the organization is able to align its strategies and immediate goals with the personal interests and benefits of the employees, so that the employees feel sufficiently motivated to lead the Woolworths towards organizational success. 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